Chapter 63 - Burning Flames

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They arrived on scene as night fell, the bright orange flames of the once dormant perfume factory was the only source of light. "Okay, five alarm fire, we are third on the scene. Captain Mehta from the 133 is IC. It's his show. You know what to do. Gear up and stand by for size up." Bobby commanded the team.

The team did as he said and all grabbed their turnout gear and masks. El stuck by Eddies side, her feeling as if he was the only one to ever understand her fully. Once they were all prepped and ready to go, Bobby made his way back over. "This is a large one, so you stay with your teams. If you need to split off, you remember your hose line is your lifeline. You get lost, you find a wall. There are still 12 workers in there unaccounted for. Eddie and I will be joining the 133, searching on the Charlie side. Hen, Chim, Buck, El, you will be running a team with two firefighters from the 141. Your entry point is the alpha side. Let's go!" Bobby commanded.

Eddie looked at El with a soft look, "Just focus on the job" He said.

"I know Eddie" El nodded, "Good luck"

"Same goes" He nodded and ran after Bobby.

With that, the team split off and headed for the Alpha entrance, pulling on their masks and helmets as they went. "Coming through! Coming through!" Buck yelled, heading for the doors first, saw in hand. As he opened the door a large burst of flames threatened to singe him and those beside him, including El.

"Knock it down, boys!" El yelled at the other two firefighters from the 141. With El's instructions the two men came forward and turned on the hose, beginning to put out the fire that was engulfing their entry point.

Once that was out, the team headed in, Hen yelling "To the left"

"IC, this is Buckley, 118. I got level four flammables inside the west-side entry. Looks like about 10 pressurised drums." Buck spoke through the radio.

"Copy that Buckley" The IC responded. "Sprinkler system is still down so I'm sending in foam."

"Alright guys, let me know the level of involvement up ahead. Victims are towards that side of the building." Hen confirmed, ordering them.

El nodded, her and Buck jogging ahead to see if there was a path they were able to use. She jogged through the flames only to find a dead end, flames and a shelving unit in her way. She returned back to the team, Buck already there, "This way's no good" She yelled over the roaring flames.

"Let's keep going!" Hen yelled, gesturing forward.

They began to continue on however Buck stopped in his tracks, "Wait, woah. Someone put towels under this door to keep the smoke out." He approached the food and peered through the small glass, "Hey, I got people inside!" He yelled and opened the door.

"Scott. Lorenzo. Let's go!" Chimney called, being the first to enter the room.

"IC, Captain Nash here. Be advised we have located seven victims but we've had some accelerants ignite up here. We are separated from two of our team. Sending them back out." Bobby's voice sounded over the radio.

"You guys hear that? They need help." Buck spoke.

"It's clear across the factory!" Hen yelled through her mask.

"They lost two guys! We got plenty here. I should go" Buck said passionately.

Hen and El exchanged a look before Hen spoke out, "You're not wrong Buck. And I don't say that to you very often. Go!" Hen confirmed.

Buck gave El a soft look before darting off into the wall of flames, El's heart pounding in her chest but this was their job, this is what they did. It wasn't a risk free job.

Burning Flames ¦ Evan Buckley Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin