Chapter 82 - Realisation

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El was finally back at work and settling back into the daily life of the 118, something she had missed dearly. El was perched on one of the stalls watching the boys play pool and soon enough Ana, Eddie's girlfriend, came into conversation. "So it's pretty serious then" Buck spoke as he made his shot.

"I don't know what you mean," Eddie rebutted.

"You are meeting her parents," El added to the conversation, the pair having cleared the air since he and Buck had.

"We're meeting everybody. Her parents, her tias, her primos. Her whole family is going to be there." Eddie spoke as he played his shot, "It's a baby christening"

"Which sounds pretty serious" Buck gave him a coy smirk.

"It's not like it's Ana and Eddie's baby, Buck" Hen joined in.

"That's right, Baby Buck" Chimney's voice sounded, "What are we talking about?"

"Ana's sister's having a baby. Chris and I got invited to the christening next Sunday." Eddie answered.

"You and Chris at the christening. That sounds serious" Chimney smirked as he popped some popcorn in his mouth.

"It's not. Not the way you guys are making it sound" Eddie shook his head. "Did you and El even have that serious moment?" Eddie asked Buck.

"My parents are dead" El laughed, "So no, that wasn't a thing" She popped some popcorn in her mouth, everyone looking at her with shocked faces, "You can laugh" She smirked to which everyone made a soft chuckle; she had come so far.

"It's the next step. You know, she's showing you off to the entire family. I did the same with El. It's like the opening of The Godfather." Buck smirked, enjoying winding him up.

"Pretty sure the Christening is the last scene of The Godfather" Bobby spoke. "You guys'll have a great time."

"He's really looking forward to it. He even agreed to let me buy him a new suit. We tried on the old one last night-barely made it past his elbows" Eddie spoke with a smile, chuckles breaking out, "I swear that kid's shot up like a weed."

"They'll do that" Hen confirmed, speaking from experience.

"Last time he wore it, it still fit him. That was at his mother's funeral" Eddie sighed, the room falling quiet until Bobby's phone buzzed.

"Earthquake alert. That's weird. You guys feel anything?" Bobby asked.

Buck had made his way over to El, his arm around her when their phones began to vibrate on the table. El picked them both up to see they both had alerts. "Uh, m-mine says a tsunami alert" Buck spoke with a quiver in his voice.

"Mine says tornado..?" El cocked a brow confused.

"Mudslide warning" Eddie joined.

"It's like our greatest hits" Chimney added.

"Why isn't the bell going off?" Buck looked over at Bobby.

Hen's phone now buzzed, "Don't tell us, the bombs are landing in five minutes." Chimney spoke with sarcasm.

"No" Hen confirmed in a sharp tone, "Evidently I'm dialling 911" She showed her phone around.


The alarm finally sounded, the team having been left in the dark for a while as to what was going on, but eventually they found out it was the cell towers. They were called down to a shipment yard where two cars had gone straight into the water. "We don't have time to gear up, El, Eddie, Buck, I want you down there now!" Bobby yelled as they got out of the truck.

El slipped off her shoes and shirt before diving into the water first, not waiting up for the boys. She swam down, kicking at the water with all her might before finding the car, seeing the women trapped inside. She grabbed ahold of the door handle and began to pull on it, however noticed how weak she was now. Buck soon came up behind her and helped pull the handle before El grabbed her, pulling her to the surface where Eddie was waiting.

"What the hell is happening?" Buck gasped for air as he looked around.

"I have no idea" Eddie confirmed before they swam to the side where Chimney and Ravi were waiting.

Meanwhile, why the trio were in the water, cars began to park up along the shipment bay, GPS's sounding, leading them all to the bank where they could have died.

The 118 stayed on scene for the rest of their shift to clear everyone away and make sure no one else was going to get hurt. Buck had noticed how quiet El had been but decided to wait until they were home to discuss further.

Once back at Buck's apartment, El made her way straight upstairs, her whole body aching. She laid down onto the bed, covering her face with her hands as stress began to take over. Buck made his way upstairs with two hot chocolates however he placed them down straight away when he saw the state that El was in. "Hey..hey.." Buck spoke and placed his hand on her leg, the other on her wrist, "What's wrong?" He asked in a concerned tone.

El moved her hands from her face with a sigh, her eyes glossed and cheeks flushed red, "I'm just in pain..." She admitted.

"Physical?" Buck asked as he began to stroke her leg gently to which she nodded. "Want me to run you a bath?" He asked softly to which she gave another small nod.

"Are you going to join me?" She asked.

"Only if you want me too" He smirked ever so slightly before placing a kiss on her forehead, "There's a hot chocolate there for you" He smiled and kissed her lips before making his way downstairs.

El took a breath of relief, wondering how she got so lucky to have a man like Buck by her side.


Buck had made a bubble bath and lit a few candles, dimming the lights so it was relaxing as it could be. Once she had sat herself in between Buck's legs, she felt all of her worries and pain rush away. She leant back into him, his hands snaking round her gently as he placed a gently kiss behind her ear. "Better?"

El nodded, words trying to formulate in her brain, "I..I think I rushed coming back to work" She admitted.

"What makes you say that? You did great today" Buck spoke, confused as to what she meant.

"Buck...I couldn't even pull the door open...I'm..I'm so weak" She admitted, "I mean look at me, the muscle has just fallen off of me." She sighed, feeling insecure in herself.

"El..." Buck leant forward a little, wanting to face her. El turned round to face him, her eyes saddened. "You've been through cancer, no one expects you to be the same" He shook his head, "You put too much pressure on yourself...You don't need too" He reassured her, "None of us would judge you if you chose to take more time off.."

"But you threw the party and welcomed me back...I would feel bad.." El spoke, "And I've missed work, I've missed being with all of you" El admitted. She had never felt like this before, felt as though she had a place in this world but the 118 made it possible.

"Don't" Buck shook his head and cupped her cheek gently, "We'll work something out, talk to Bobby yeah?"

"Okay.." El nodded gently and leant in, placing a loving kiss on his lips. "I love you..."

"I love you.."


I'm backkkkk! Just a short little chapter to get me back into my muse for these two little beans! I was so close to meeting Oliver Stark but he didn't respond to the charity :( sad times!

If you guys have any ideas I would love to hear them! We are now on Season 5 Episode 1, so think from there! Silly little Lucy is coming up...will he cheat?

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