Chapter 41 - Don't get any Ideas

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El insisted on both driving and taking Buck to his check up appointment for his leg, them having taken the screws out a little while ago. They hadn't spoken about the kiss since Christmas, the pair somewhat dancing around the subject, however El wore the necklace everyday since, she never took it off, she didn't want to take it off.

"You know, I didn't expect you to do this..." Buck spoke as they waited in reception.

"I went through every other step with you, what makes you think I'm going to miss out on any of the ones left?" El rebutted with a coy look.

"Touche" He smirked at her before being called for his scans.

"Good luck..." El called after him with a small smile. Buck flashed a smile before walking off into the distance.


"Bone has fused nicely where the screws were and there's minimal scar tissue." The doctor spoke once they were in the consultants room.

"I-I feel good, Doc." Buck spoke with a smile. "I mean, I was- I was standing on top of a moving fire truck the other day. Not even a twinge"

"I'm gonna pretend that I did not hear that part. I'm not interested in operating on your other leg" The doctor rebutted.

"If it wasn't for me, he would have picked up a fragment of a meteor that was still burning hot" El added with a little laugh.

"Hey" Buck spoke in an offended tone, "But erm...what about the clots?"

"Scans are clear. No sign of clots since we took you off of the blood thinners. I think those screws were the source of your problem" The doctor spoke.

"So that's it?" El asked.

"They're gone and i-I don't need to see you anymore?" Buck joined in.

"As long as you don't get crushed by another fire truck." The doctor rebutted.

"Whoa, come on. Too soon Doc" Buck spoke sarcastically.

"Sorry. But Mr Buckley it is my pleasure to give you a clean bill of health. So go get dressed and get the hell out of here." The doctor concluded with a smile.

El's smile was wide. It had been a long journey for Buck and even for El, having been there for him every step of the way. "Uh, well, thank you." Buck gave a soft laugh, "For everything. Um, no offence, but I hope to never see you again." He chuckled and headed for the door with El.

" never know" The doc spoke once more.

"Really?" Buck and El said at the same time as they looked at him before smiling and leaving.

"Be quick, I'm treating you to lunch" El grinned at him.

"I should get crushed more often" Buck rebutted.

"God no," El laughed.


El drove them across town and to their usual coffee place, the place they hadn't been too in a long time. "Does this mean we're friends again?" Buck asked in a teasing manner as they took their usual seats outside.

"Buck, we've never been friends" El teased him back as she lifted her sunglasses onto her head.

"And this whole've been lying" Buck said in a fake sad manner.

"I have, I'm so sorry" El laughed and had another look at the menu to see if they had changed anything, they hadn't, thank god. "So, how do you feel?"

"I genuinely feel great know I finally have a clean bill of health...thanks to you" He spoke with a soft smile.

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