Chapter 43 - The Day That Followed

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El woke up the following morning, her head pounding. She slowly sat herself in bed and looked down to see she was wearing an unfamiliar hoodie. Panicked for a moment she looked to her side, thankful to see there was no stranger laying in her bed. She took a deep breath before getting herself out of bed, needing her morning coffee to shift whatever nightmare headache was attacking her.

Still with the large hoodie draping over her body, she shuffled herself downstairs and headed to the kitchen, however was met with the sight of a tired looking Mikey and Buck and a rather solemn looking Athena. In that moment, it was as if a wave had crashed against El as last night came flooding back in the form of a panic attack, their stares only making it worse.

El's breathing started to become staggered, her chest rising and falling heavily as laboured breaths escaped her lips. The figures before her now became blurred but it was clear one was approaching her. "El..." Buck's voice hollowed in her ears. "El, breathe..." He spoke again but it was just bouncing around her head, as if it was empty. Nothing but last night in her head.

Buck's arms carefully led her to the kitchen to sit her down. Buck continued to gain her attention, her slowly coming too. He remembered back to the time he saw Eddie calming her down and began to reenact the steps. El attempted to focus on Buck however it was hard to do so. "Long breath through your nose El, come on, you know the steps" Buck spoke, his hand on her shoulder. "Hold it...hold it...then breathe out.." He spoke gently, her being able to finally listen and take in what he was saying. El continued the breathing technique until she was breathing at a more normal rate.

"What's going on...?" El questioned as she looked around to see little numbers placed around her apartment, showing where evidence was.

"I called Athena last night...after Buck told me what happened," Mikey spoke sadly.

"W-Why?" She turned her head to look at Mikey.

"El, you stabbed a guy" Mikey tilted her head, "I had too, I could have lost my job otherwise"

"I had too..." She whispered and looked at Athena, "I had too" She spoke with more confidence this time.

"I know...why don't you boys leave us to have a chat?" Athena spoke, gesturing for the boys to go out to the balcony. The boys gave weak nods before heading outside, giving the two girls some time to talk. Athena walked round the kitchen counter and took a seat beside her, seeing the fear emulating from her eyes. " are you feeling?" She asked softly.

"Confused...overwhelmed..." EL spoke, fiddling with the hoodie.

"Are you hurt?" Athena asked.

El shook her head, "No, I mean I have a headache...he smashed my head against the floor...but other than that...nothing happened, there's really no need for all of this" El spoke, shaking her head, feeling like a waste of time.

" were assaulted." Athena spoke in a stern tone, "There is a need for all of this...we believe we have the man in custody, but we need you to come by the hospital, take a blood test to see what you were drugged with and for you to confirm that the man is who assaulted you" Athena spoke, placing her hand upon hers.

"Okay..." El nodded, "I feel like an idiot"

"Don't you dare say that" Athena almost snapped at her, but not in an angered way, in a protective way.

"But he didn't really do anything," El sighed.

"Look, by the way this man went about this, it doesn't sound like a first time deal...but with your help, we can make damn well sure it's the last" Athena confirmed, squeezing her hand. "You got all of support you, fight for you and get this guy put away"

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