Chapter 65 - Jinxed

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"Trauma bag?" Buck spoke, looking down at his clipboard before back up at Eddie.

"Yep," He confirmed.

Buck chuckled, "I'm sorry what was that?" He put his finger to his ear, leaning over.

"Check" Eddie gave him a sarcastic smile.

"Yeah...AED?" He continued.

"Check" Eddie sassed.

"Oh no" Hen voiced. "Who gave that guy a clipboard?" Hen sassed.

"That would be me?" El leant over the side of the firetruck which she was sat on top of.

"Ah, don't worry. It's a kinder, gentler clipboard as is the man who holds it. Meet Buck 3.0" Buck spoke with a smile.

"What, three? What happened to 2.0?" Hen chuckled.

"Two's leg was crushed by a ladder truck" Chimney added as he chewed on his apple. "And his girlfriend left him"

"Still not sure what inspired the software update" Eddie joined in once again.

El coughed suggestively, the 4 of them looking up at her. "I'm just ready to let go of the past, and focus on a future, which consists of my girlfriend helping me get through this checklist" Buck gave her a sarcastic sassy look.

"Your parents lied to you your entire life and you're just gonna let that go?" Hen raised a brow. "What's your secret?"

"Therapy" Buck confirmed before El suggestively coughed once again. "And my girlfriend, who still isn't helping"

"The pollen is crazy today dam" El rolled her eyes and laid back down on the truck's roof.

"My parents agreed to come to a few sessions with me, work our stuff out. Look, they're trying. I figure I should try too. Right?" Buck continued.

"Very mature Buck" Hen confirmed.

"Very Buck 3.0" Buck grinned.

"I'm not calling you that" Hen laughed. "Are you gonna be taking part in these family sessions too El? Hell, Chimney, what about you?"

"Nu-uh" The pair said in sync, El peering back over the side again.

"Key word family, which I am not" Chimney protested. "Technically"

"I'm just not even getting involved," El added.

"You're allowed to give yourself some time, you know. To process." Eddie spoke sincerely.

"I know. I'm just tired of looking behind me. I'm ready to start thinking about my future." He smiled up at El, a sparkle in his eye. "Speaking of which...Hey! Probie!" Buck yelled at Ravi.

"Oh Buck, leave him alone" El chuckled and made her way down from the truck, landing on solid ground as Ravi dropped all of his box in a panic.

"Oh, sorry, let me" Buck stuttered.

"No, np. Don't worry. I got it." Ravi stuttered back.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you. You're the new B-shift probie, right?" Buck asked him, El coming up behind.

"Yeah. I mean, yes, sir" Ravi spoke quickly. "Just finished my first shift"

"Oh god, don't call him sir" El chuckled, shaking her head, knowing a little extra secret behind that word.

"Uh, how was it?" Buck continued on, ignoring her comment.

"Oh, pretty quiet," Ravi said nonchalantly.

Burning Flames ¦ Evan Buckley Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora