Chapter 64 - Making up

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After everything was cleared and the fire was under control, the 118 headed back to the firehouse, already the sun rising, kissing at the horizon. While Bobby took Buck off to get a full medical check up after inhaling a potentially damaging amount of smoke.

"So you two made up then?" Eddie approached El with a smirk, his arms widened.

El rolled her eyes and looked over at him with blushed cheeks, "Yeah, he needed to sort his head out"

"I told you didn't I?" He gave her a playful look as he leant against the truck she was restocking.

"You did, want a medal?" She asked sarcastically.

"Well if you're offering" He smirked.

"Fuck off" El chuckled softly, "So...I was thinking that maybe I should call Buck's parents..." She said, her tone more serious now.

"You think that's a good idea?" He questioned.

"I think that he needs to face his trauma head on, there is no point playing the silent game with each other. He needs to talk it out. And they need to take responsibility for what they did" El confirmed.

"You know, you're a lot smarter than you let on sometimes" He spoke playfully, "If you think it's the right call then do it"

"You okay to take over?" She asked.

"Fine" He rolled his eyes playfully as she gave him a smile and headed off.


After getting into contact with Maddie and then Buck's parents, it was all sorted. It didn't take the pair long to make their way down to the firehouse. "Hey..." El spoke in a calmed tone once she saw them approaching. "Thank you...for coming by"

"Of course...Is Evan okay?" Margret asked concerned.

"He's getting checked over by the doctors now, he was just in the building for a while, it's protocol" El reassured the duo calmly. "Why don't we get you guys settled upstairs and you can meet the rest of the team?"

The pair both nodded in agreement and followed El across the firehouse, their eyes scanning round their sons place of work before making their way upstairs. El sat them down at one of the dining tables and soon enough the curious bunch that were the 118 were already starting to crowd.

El knew it probably wasn't the best idea for her to stick around as she knew she had trouble holding her tongue so instead, she headed back downstairs to wait for Buck, allowing herself to actually relish in the moment of the first I love you that slipped from his once cocky and crude tongue.

She truly did love him, more than she had ever loved anyone in her whole life. He was this spark of joy and life that caused a leap in her step, the soft blush of her cheeks or the wide, teeth baring smile that happened whenever he was near.

A fair amount of time had passed but El hadn't really noticed, she was too busy lost in her own paradise that was Evan Buckley. Soon enough the sound of the engine from the Captains car rolled in and there he was. Her knight in shining armour. Her Evan. She raised to her feet and looked at them in a hopeful way. "Clean bill of health from the docs" Bobby beamed and gave Buck a pat on the back.

"Good...Can't have you leaving me already huh?" El gave him a coy look, her eyes locking with those ocean blues that threatened to wash her away into a land of love.

"I'm never leaving" He spoke in a soft tone, his heart racing as he looked at her features, the way her cheeks were glowing a soft rose red, the sparkle in her eyes, the wide smile. She was beautiful. She was his beautiful girlfriend. He took her hands softly in his before leaning down, placing a gentle kiss upon her lips, having missed it.

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