Chapter 14 - Catfish

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El couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sense of guilt after her accidental argument with Bobby. To make it up to him she asked to meet for breakfast the following morning before their shift, wanting to let him in ever so slightly, explain why she reacted the way that she did. Despite her strong opinions and feelings, she could never blame Bobby for what happened to his family, it was nowhere close to being his fault albeit she understood why he felt as though it was.

Wearing shorts, a cropped vest and an over shirt El arrived at breakfast, feeling nervous to see Bobby, worried he wouldn't show. Right on time, Bobby showed up to the café in his usual non-work attire which consisted of some sort of button up and jeans. "Hey.." El spoke shyly, giving a lipped smile.

"Hey..." Bobby returned the small smile.

"Shall we?" She spoke and gestured to one of the tables outside, wanting to catch some sun before the start of their shift. Bobby nodded and the pair sat themselves down. "I erm...I just want to start off by saying thank you, for meeting me, I thought it would be better to talk outside of work" She spoke.

"El, you don't have to thank me" He spoke in a calm tone. "But I agree, we both know they would all be trying to listen in" He gave a soft chuckle.

El joined in with the small chuckle before the waitress came over to take their orders. "It's on me, go crazy" She smiled.

"I'll just have a coffee please" Bobby spoke with a smirk.

"Oh wow, very crazy," El chuckled. "I'll have an iced latte please" She spoke, the waitress leaving seconds later. "Bobby...I'm sorry for my behaviour yesterday, it was unacceptable and I know that...nothing was aimed at you, I can assure you of that"

"I appreciate you apologising, I overstepped as well" Bobby apologised too, "But El, you gotta let us in, let us know what's going on in that head of yours" He spoke in a father-like way.

Thinking on her feet and not wanting to open up fully, she came up with a way around things. "It's just...the way that woman spoke to her own son grinded my gears. I..I don't talk to my parents anymore...I moved 2500 miles away..." She spoke, it was technically a lie, but it also wasn't the whole truth. She gave him enough for the time being.

"I'm sorry to hear that El..." Bobby spoke sincerely "Just know you're not alone, my door is always open for you kid"

"Thanks Bobby..." El gave him a genuine smile. Maybe it was time to finally allow herself to grow attached to people.


Bobby and El had a nice morning talking over coffee until it was time to head to work, the pair heading in together. El had gotten changed and was cleaning down the side of the truck when Buck walked in, still dressed in his normal clothes. Confused El spoke "Hey lover boy, thought you were on a date?" El called, teasing him.

"Not now El" He sighed, not in a rude way, more in an emotional way. He headed straight to the locker room, clearly needing a chat with Bobby, man to man without El giving her sarcastic two pence on the situation.


A few days later the news of Abby's mum's death passed around the firehouse which explained the lack of Buck at work and the quietness that came with it. Knowing what it was like to lose both parents, El sent Buck a text.

'Hey. I'm sorry to hear about Abby's mom, let me know if you need anything. Here for you Buckeroo'

Left on read.


Work hadn't quite been the same without Buck around that was for sure. Still a lot of the usual calls, people trapped, domestics, minor injuries, nothing too drastic. It was yet another chill day in the firehouse. Hen, Chim and El made their way upstairs only to be met with Bobby closing his laptop in a suspicious manner.

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