Chapter 8: Preparations of a New god (Part 2)

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Note : This is my first ever fanfiction. English is my third language so don't expect the most flawless writing from me. I had this idea for quite some time & wanted to give it life, so I started writing. Any helpful feedback is appreciated. Also again I own nothing except my own skin & do not want to offend any party. This is only for entertainment. Enjoy~


<(POV Selene Gallio)>

The last few days were probably the happiest days of my life because I could feel my life's work actually amounting to something.

I have been alive for about 17000 years, yet I have never actually felt like this. I always felt empty like I didn't have a purpose.

I had travelled all over the world to find my purpose of being born, being immortal but I never found it.

So I had mistakenly thought that the reason for my existence was to rule the world, to be its queen.

But for that I needed more power since I knew that there were beings more powerful than me, that I couldn't take them all on by myself. That is the reason why I had started to search for the legendary phoenix.

It is said that it can give mortals powers that one can only dream of. I wanted that power.

But no matter how much I searched, I never found anything that could point me to it. All I found were stories & myths but then everything changed.

The very power I was searching for, visited me in my dreams & told me a secret, a secret that changed the world as I knew it.

It told me of its one & only child. It referred to him as one that shouldn't exist, that never did exist & that which never will exist. I didn't understand what it was talking about but I didn't try to either.

It was not my place to question the wisdom of immortal all powerful entities like the phoenix.

But I was still apprehensive about all of it. After all, the naive old me still only thought about conquering the world & ruling everything. But then it showed me the future, not the whole future but bits & pieces of it.

I saw so many wars, so much blood, so much death. I saw glimpses of 'murderous men made of steel' killing people. I have heard people nowadays call such things robots. I saw them hunting mutants, sometimes killing humans & even trying to destroy the planet.

I saw a red wave wiping out millions of mutants like ants under a boot, a purple monster wiping out half the population of the universe with a snap. I saw a man wearing funny retro style clothing controlling the world like a puppet, taking all our lives as a joke & I finally saw a black stormy cloud devouring all of existence & ending our entire universe.

It was all such a frightening experience, knowing that I would not be able to do anything to prevent those things. But the phoenix gave me a solution.

It gave the world a gift in the form of its own son. She told me that he could become our saviour, not only protecting us mutants but also saving the entire world from its imminent doom.

Thus after she showed me the location of the egg & the ritual on how to give it enough lifeforce to hatch it, I did exactly that.

I recruited like minded individuals, mutants who wanted change, who wanted to believe in something and game them their new hope to believe in, our Messiah.

It was not easy. But after decades of hard work, preparations & countless sacrifice, we finally did it. Our Saviour was finally born.

He was beautiful & almost seemed to turn more & more... perfect with time. He radiated power & strength.

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