Chapter 134: Playing rough (R-18)

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"If you keep on hiding your true feelings, who is going to be happy? If you are sad, you should say it out loud!"



"Hey, Elizabeth, you didn't tell me that you got promoted to the consort status in the goddesses system. Congratulations by the way. I know you worked really hard for it. The restless nights working those missions and training nonstop wasn't a waste it seems." Jean congratulated her with a smile.

The hierarchy of Rudeus' girls which has been aptly named the goddess system had already been established and was primarily divided into five different positions, the GodEmpress, the Queens, the Consorts, the Wives, and the Concubines.

The God Empress was the position who would hold the highest authority among the girls and would basically be their leader with her being only second to Atem himself. Next came the two Queens who had the responsibility to help the GodEmpress in her duties to help manage Rudeus' harem. Then came the four Consorts below the Queens and six Wives below the consorts who were the main workforce. The number of wives however could be increased later if required. The lowest position in the system was held by the concubines who were basically the women who still hadn't proved themselves worthy of bearing the title of wife.

Currently, the contest to occupy the higher positions is still going on. But till now Ororo, Vanessa, and Bettsy were the only ones who had gotten confirmed consort positions for the year. Morgana was the first to get a Queen position even though she didn't ask anyone for it and was awarded the position for not only being one of the strongest members of the harem but also the first to be converted into a goddess.

As for the GodEmpress position, that position was still being contended for by Jean and Selene. Emma tried to get in on the contest too but unfortunately for her, she was forcefully pushed out of the competition by the two. So, she was now busy trying to accumulate more points and achievements so that everyone would take her more seriously and she would have a higher chance of winning the position next year.

Rudeus even though had absolute authority over this method and could promote or demote anyone anytime, he had still sworn not to ever interfere with it since he wanted to make it clear to everyone that he would try his best to love everyone the same, the key word being try.

"Thanks, Jean. How about you? How is your 'battle' against Selene going?" Bettsy asked with a small smile.

"Not so good Bettsy. Even though I have been trying my best, that old witch is one of the most skilled people I have ever met. From the number of countless missions completed to extraordinary achievements, she has beaten me in almost everything. I'll probably just admit defeat this time and try again next year. I know when to admit defeat. I was trying to give her some competition till now because I just didn't want her to win too easily." Jean chuckled.

"Oh, I guess I'll be rooting for you next time then," Bettsy spoke with a small smile on her face.

"Heya, what ya guys doing?" Gwenpoole suddenly appeared out of nowhere like always and walked up to them with her little baby shark in tow.

"Nothing just discussing our current positions in the system," Bettsy answered as she looked at the baby shark playing with what appeared to be a...

"Gwen, is that a sex toy in your shark's hands?" Jean asked with a straight face.

"What? JEFFREY, I told you not to play with that. It's for my stud muffin. I bought you your own set of toys to play with, didn't I? Also, why don't you play with the human skull that you like so much?" She shouted and chided the baby shark like an angry mother while the little shark just bowed its head sadly and listened to her ranting.

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