chapter 2

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Jimin and Taehyung reached the university and their bus is waiting for these two. They run and climb the bus, when they enter the bus his friends greet them.

"Tae you're again late, now what book you're reading" lisa asked. Tae looked at her and pouted cutely "I'm not reading anything this time and I'm not the reason for late today ,jimin told me to get in the car and he came late "tae said and Lisa shook her head smiling at tae.

"Hey don't tease my taetae " Rose said coming towards their seats ."rose see there are not supporting me ,lisa blame me without knowing I'm not the one late ,tell her" tae said with the same pout .

Jimin smiled while listening to the whole chitchat and said. "he is correct lisa I'm the one late this time ,he is so excited for today " tae nodded at jimin words proudly. They all laughed and the whole journey to the forest is with giggles and laughs.

Finally they reached their destination. Tae get down from the bus and saw the forest, it was so beautiful (did he know beautiful things hides the Darkest secrets).

They all started to walk into the forest until they reach their destination. All students started to arrange their tents. jimin and tae are in one tent ,after arranging tents they all gathered outside where the bonfire is, they all sit around the fire and started chitchatting.

"Guys let's play truth or dare what you say" jennie asked and all said ok. Now six people are sitted in the form of Circle. Jennie takes the bottle and spins it, it lands on jisoo "truth or dare "jennie asked her. jisoo think sometime and said "truth" Jennie smirked and asked "do you have any crush in our group" lisa shocked at the question and looked at rose and blushed "yes "she said looking at her lap .

All laughed at her blushed face and rose smirked with a smile. Now jisoo spin the bottle and it landed at jimin "truth or dare" jisoo asked, "always dare " he said proudly.

Jisoo smiled "you have to scare professor lee-sum but not now at midnight" all are shocked at the dare but jimin smirked "challenge accepted, he made me and taetae stand two hours outside the classroom. I'm going to show him he mess with wrong person".

"Then you can take help if you want "jisoo said, jimin looked at tae showing puppy eyes "no I'm not going to do it" tae said seriously "please taetae ,pretty please " jimin again showed puppy eyes blinking them, tae groaned and said "ok ok I'm coming with you but only once "jimin smiled at his words and nodded .

Rose spin the bottle again and it stops at tae and tae choose truth " So you love wolves right what you will do if you see a wolf in real " lisa asked , jimin looked at tae without blinking maybe waiting for his answer "I don't even know if they really exist, if they really exist then I really want to see them. i want to see, is wolves can really change their forms. I read so many novels about that " tae said excitedly.

" My grandma said wolves really exist and they live in this forest only, don't you know " rose asked. Everyone looked at rose and surprised "how do you know about that" jimin asked thinking 'is she joking or is she really know' rose looked at jimin and said "don't you know that wolves always fight and you know tae they even drink human blood they like it" tae scared at the thought even though he love about wolves.

They played games until midnight and now it's time to scare Mr.profesor. All students went to their related tents and the professor is taking rounds, now jimin and tae left to their tent to get ready to scare their professor and remaining 4 goes to their tents on the way jisoo asked rose "is that really true what you said few moments ago" with tint of fear, rose laughed loudly " you really believe that. I'm just joking jisoo let's go "Rose said and run to their tent jisoo stand there dumbfounded. when rose called her she come back to reality and goes to their tent.

Tae and jimin changed into fully black clothes and put on their masks and went out of the tent They were searching for their professor while hiding, it's too dark and full moon was there giving some light to them ,when they saw their professor sitting in the chair near bonfire they slowly move towards the fire and hide behind the tree.

Jimin takes his phone out and puts some wolves growling voices, when professor hear the sounds he saw back but their is nothing but some bushes are moving, he tried to goes near the bush but the howling sound increases he scared and run towards his tent.

Jimin and tae saw this and laughed loudly and then they heard the voice "who was there" they both panicked and run into the forest without knowing what was waiting for them.

They go deep into the forest without knowing, they both stopped running and sat there panting heavily and both looked at each other and laughed loudly. when there are laughing they heard the growling sounds and tae think it was from Jimin's phone but jimin was panicked knowing those were real wolf sounds "jimin stop those voices it's over now " tae said
Jimin panicked cause tae was with him, wolves can scent human and hunt them.

Jimin stands from the grass where they are sitting before and looked at tae whose looking at him with confusing face "let's go from here it's not safe here" jimin said smiling nervously "no chimchim it's really nice here let's be here some time" he said looking at jimin.

"No taetae if the professor knows that we are not at the tent he will know about our plan so let's go" jimin said trying to get a reason before wolves come there "ok let's go " tae said with a pout.

They both start walking back to their tents, but it's not easy to find because they come deep into the forest. They are walking but there is no luck. They both tried from walking and sat on the rock. when jimin smell the scent of another wolf coming towards them he looked at tae and panicked cause he can't change his wolf infront of tae and attack another wolf.

Now the scent was nowhere to be found jimin thought 'why the scent is gone but I smell the scent before' meanwhile tae got up from the rock and climbed it to see the forest while jimin was in deep thinking. tae was beyond shocked at looking what's happening before him at some distance.

He never thinks he will witness the scene like that, jimin comes out of his trance and looks at tae who was looking at a side with shocked expression, jimin stand and climb the rock and see what's there and he is even shocked. tae looked at jimin "is this true I'm not dreaming right " tae said with a shocked expression, jimin beyond shocked and just nodded.

There was wolves fighting changing into their wolf forms it's like a war between two packs it's a bar between ""DARK MOON " and "NIGHT FALL "

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