chapter 22

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Next morning, everyone is present in the living room. Everyone have several questions to ask about the last night matter. So now all are here to discuss about it.

" So jimin, tell your side story" hobi asked breaking the silence in the room. " So, that night after we killed the leader, I'm looking surroundings for tae, that time I saw a person in the woods hiding behind a tree.

That time I'm worried about tae bear. So I ignored her presence. But when we first come to this mansion I saw her here. First I confused because if she is in your side then why she is hiding behind woods.

So from day one i started observing her. Whenever she saw jungkook,her eyes always rage with anger. After that I asked my friend to background check on her.

He said it will take time because he has other works. But yesterday morning he called me and said he got the information. But I told him, I have work now and I will call him later. Because we have to go to the mall.

So when jack said about the letter. The first one come in to my mind was her. So I called my friend because he already have the information. Finally we got her" jimin said and relaxed on the couch.

" My angel is so smart and perfect" yoongi said pecking younger's lips making him blush. Jimin hid his face in his hands. " Here we go again, I already told you we have so many rooms in this bloody mansion. So don't spoil my furniture here" jin sassied.

Yoongi rolled his eyes and looked at tae and said " now, spill the tea" tae confused and asked " what about me". Yoongi smirked and said " what are you doing in kook's room, why are you sleeping on him"

Tae blushed at the question and looked at kook who is looking at him with light smirk. Tae wants to dig a hole and hide there because of the embressment.

" That night I didn't get sleep because I can't sleep without cuddling. So I went out of my room. While I was coming down for water I heard sobbing sounds from the kooks room.

I went to Kook's room and I saw he is having nightmare. So I want to help him that's why I went to his room. But I don't know how I slept there"Tae said fiddling with his fingers looking down.

Remaining expect jungkook gives each other a knowing look. Jungkook is admiring tae whose cheeks are tented with pink shade.

" Ok ok enough teasing" jungkook said and remaining nodded teasingly. " Y/n call our backpack team and tell them to fix cc cameras in every room with microphone. I think it's not a small issue anymore. We have to be careful" jungkook said. Y/n nodded and went to call someone.

Namjoon looked at others " now ,all are forgetting about me. No one is praising me, I'm the one who saved your lives" he said dramatically.

" I will eat that food rather seeing your dramatic face" yoongi snapped. " My babe is right, he is the one who saved you all. Now say thanks or you all are going to clean the dishes tonight " jin said sitting on namjoon's lap.

" You said we have so many rooms then what are you doing " yoongi said rolling his eyes. " I'm just sitting on my mate's lap. I'm not eating his face like you do" jin said flipping his imaginary hair.

" Thanks hyung" jimin said to namjoon. " Why are saying thanks to me" he asked. " For saving my alpha's life" he said with eye smile making all hearts flustered. Namjoon nodded giving dimple smile and said " I don't know my destructive power will save us someday"

" Thanks hyung" tae said getting all attention. " On whose behalf you're saying" jin asked knowing the answer. Tae smiled lightly and said " for saving all life's. You all means so much to me ' mainly kookie' " he said and mumbled last words.

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