chapter 17

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Tae groaned and woke up when the sunrays hit his face. He sat on his bed, he held his head when the headache hit him. He saw beside him where jimin sleeping soundly.

He woke up the elder by shaking his shoulder. Jimin groaned and sat on the bed. He immediately cursed and held his head. They both bathed one after one, and went downstairs.

Jin saw the boys who are climbing down the stairs. He went to kitchen, tae and jimin went to couch and sat beside eachother. Remaining members greeted them. Jin come back with pain killer's and handed them.

They swallowed the pills and sighed. " Long night right" jin said. Tae and jimin looked at them. " How did we reach the house, I don't remember" tae said,Jimin nodded agreeing with tae.

" You guys are wasted and sleep in your hyung's car. They made you sleep in your room and left"hobi said. Tae looked at jimin and said " I told you, it's not a good idea. See we bothered our hyungs".

" Whatever, I just enjoyed the night" jimin said leaning back on th couch. Tae smirked and said " yeah, I seen the whole flirting you done with that boy and girl" jimin flinched hearing this and looked at yoongi, who is already looking at with cold expression.

" Can you explain it tae" yoongi said with deep voice. Jimin shivered at the voice and looked at tae and pleaded him with his eyes. Tae smirked and smiled innocently.

" Yes hyung I will" tae said. Jimin looked at tae with a look of betrayal. Remaining are enjoying the show. Tae looked at jimin and smiled. " So when we are in the party, this boy comes out of nowhere, he is wearing white shirt and the top buttons are unbuttoned. He gave jimin the glass of wine. He looked at it and said

Jimin :- what's the drink is for..?

Boy :- is it necessary, when you are this cute.

Jimin :- I think you're giving this to show off your abs.

Boy :- well, I would like to if you want...

Jimin :- I don't mind but I'm not in mood today.

Boy :- so if you're in mood, you would like to see me.

Jimin :- do you have any problem with that.

Boy :- not at all my baby boy.

Jimin :- there there, keep those names to yourself. If my boyfie listens to your words, he will chop your dick and make you eat it.

Boy :- what the hell are you talking.

Jimin :- facts honey, wanna try.

So after that he leave us. But it does not end there, he flirts with a girl and it's really cool" tae said excitedly. Jimin embressed and hid his face with his hands.

" Spill the tea" y/n said excitedly. Yoongi is angry with jealousy. Tae looked at them and started " one girl is waiting for their friends, so he went to her

Jimin :- waiting for someone.

Girl:- yes waiting for my friends.

Jimin :- do you have name or can I just call you mine.

Girl :- (blushed) it's lara

She said and didn't get any reply so she asked

Lara :- why are looking at me like that.

Jimin :- I think someone stolen the star's and put them in your eyes, it's breathtaking.

Lara :- blushed

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