What is GRACE?

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Published March 21st, 2024. 

What does God say about His grace towards us? 

2 Corinthians 12:9 says," My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." 

God's grace is so good that even when we fail, when we sin and stumble, and fall flat on our face, He still loves us and has grace towards us! Think about the times Israel turned and rebelled against God, or when Peter denied Jesus three times- they still were offered grace! Or in the parable of the Prodigal Son, instead of shunning his son, the Father welcomes Him back with open arms! 

Shelia Walsh says in her devotional, The Shelter of God's Promises, "Grace is offensive before it is liberating."

When the people heard the parable of the Prodigal Son, they were shocked by how the son was instantly welcomed back to the Father's house. In Jewish culture, if a child ran away, spend all of his fortune, and ventured and stayed with the pigs (yes, he went and stayed with the pigs because he was ashamed), they were exiled from their families and their homes. 

But God's grace is shocking! 

Let us be a people who allows fumbling, be a people who- like the father in the parable- has foolish grace, just like Jesus does for us. 


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