The Genuine Repentance of Nineveh

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Published April 10th, 2024. 

Nineveh was an AWFUL place. It was one of the most sinful, adulterous cities during the time of Jonah. God picked Jonah (a man from Tarish) to go and preach to the people. And so, what did Jonah do? He tried to hide from God! 

So, when God brought up the storm had Jonah swallowed up by a whale (some believe it's a fish), it reminded Jonah that he could not hide from God. And so, Jonah repented. 

When he went to Nineveh and began to preach, the king heard of this message and had a complete change of heart! (Jonah Chapter Three) He made a decree to have all the people of Nineveh repent to the Father and fast! 

And the people, who were known for their wickedness, repented. 

Jonah 3:10 says, "God saw their actions- that they had turned from their evil ways- so God relented from the disaster he had threatened them with. And he did not do it." 

Because they repented, with genuineness, they were saved from the Lord's wrath, and thus were freed from his disaster. They repented with the wisdom that they would live for God rather than against him, which proves that our Father is a loving, kind, and gracious God! 

Psalms 145:8-9 says, "The Lord is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and great in faithful love. The Lord is good to everyone; his compassion rests on all he had made." 

God has compassion for the worst of us, and He will ALWAYS forgive us if we choose to follow Him, taking up our cross, repenting for our sins, and allowing Him to guide us. He forgave them then, and He will surely forgive us now! 

He truly is an awesome God! 


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