How Many Times are Specific Days Mentioned in the Bible?

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Published March 22nd,2024. 

How Many Times is "Three Days" Mentioned in the Bible? 

-Jonah was in the stomach of the whale for THREE DAYS 

-Abraham's journey to sacrifice his son, Isaac, on Mount Moriah was THREE DAYS 

-Moses and the Israelites travel into the wilderness for THREE DAYS 

-Jonah took a journey to Nineveh in THREE DAYS 

-Jesus was missing when he was twelve years old for THREE DAYS 

-Saul/Paul was blind for THREE DAYS 


1 Corinthians 15:3-4 reminds us that Christ died for our sins and rose from the dead on the third day. 

How Many Times is 'Seven Days' Mentioned in the Bible? 

-God created the heavens and the earth in SEVEN DAYS (he rested on the seventh day) 

-Noah waited on sending the dove from the ark after searching for dry land for SEVEN DAYS 

-The Feast of Unleavened Bread is celebrated for SEVEN DAYS 

-Job and his friends sat together mourning for SEVEN DAYS 

Sabbath (Shabatt) in on the SEVENTH DAY (of the week) 

Genesis 2:3 says, "God blessed the seventh day and declared it holy, for on it he rested from all the work of His creation." 

Exodus 20:11b says, "Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and declared it holy." 

How Many Times is 'Forty Days' Mentioned in the Bible? 

-Noah, his family, and two of every animal were on the ark for FORTY DAYS 

-Moses was talking to God on Mount Sinai for FORTY DAYS 

-The Israelites endured the taunting from Goliath (before David came to the battlefield) for FORTY DAYS 

-Elijah's journey of fleeing from Queen Jezebel to reach Mount Horeb was FORTY DAYS 

-Jonah warned Nineveh that they had to repent in FORTY DAYS  

-Jesus was tempted in the wilderness for FORTY DAYS 

-Jesus stayed with his disciples before ascending to heaven for FORTY DAYS 

Note: All these include days and nights (biblically speaking) 

Interesting little details all through the Bible :) 


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