What Does it Mean to be 'Meek'?

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Studied September 2023. 

Published March 25th, 2024. 

Verse: "Bless are the meek, for they will inherit the earth." Matthew 5:5 

Definition: humbly patient or quiet in nature, as under provocation from others; gentle, kind 

Examples: JESUS is the BEST example! Whether it was under the persecution of Pilate or the unbelievers, pharisees, etc., He remained HUMBLE and PATIENT (meek) towards them. 

Meaning: Being meek isn't being weak. It is having a humble, kind, and gentle heart to all those around us- even the people who wrong us or we don't like. 

TO-DO: Work to have a patient heart and work to humble in all circumstances, even when it is hard. 

Prayer: Lord, make me (and us) meek like you are! We want to follow in your footsteps and show your goodness to the world. Thank you for all that you do and giving us the perfect example of how to be like this. I love you, Jesus. Amen! 


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