A Message for Sensitive Hearts

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Published April 26th, 2024. 

There are lots of times where being a person who is sensitive and who has a soft heart can be hard. Even embarrassing. I'm the kind of person who cries during worship, someone who feels so deeply for the people who are suffering on the street, someone who gets emotional when things don't go my way, the whole thing. 

But that isn't a bad thing. I've learned that it's actually a gift!

God made you that way for a reason!

As I was at a conference one time, I started getting emotional while singing a song, and I got embarrassed. I tried to hide it, pretending like I was like the person next to me, not crying. But then I realized something, she was crying too. 

It was then that I realized that my sensitive heart is actually a gift! It's a form of worship. My tears are my hearts why of showing my gratitude, showing my pain, my struggles. It's a way for me to show my adoration and my praise. 

God isn't turned off from my tears. He actually loves them. Because that is how I authentically praise him! It's how I'm about to connect with others in different ways, have a deeper understanding for those who are suffering, and feel a deeper longing to help others and promote justice. 

My sensitivity is part of my calling. 

Now, this doesn't mean that I'm just crying all the time, or I get offended easily. It isn't an excuse to be however I want and let my emotions take over me. But it does allow me to be fully me, loving people deeply and having authentic worship with my Lord. 

If you're like me, you know what it's like. But one of the things that has really encouraged me is remembering that I'm not the only one. We are made perfectly just the way we are :) 

Tears and emotions in all. 


Seeking HIS NameOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora