Chapter 2-Skype Chat

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Eleanor logged onto Skype and created a Skype account for me as we wait for Harry and Louis to log on.

"I texted Louis before he hopped on the plane. He said that as soon as they're allowed to bring out electronic devices Harry and him are gonna come on Skype and talk to us," Eleanor explains.

About an hour later and I check the clock to see that it's 8:10 PM. Dylan and Casey are already in bed to guarantee no disturbances during our chats. I check my contact list to notice that neither Harry nor Louis are online. I walk into the kitchen to grab a soda when Eleanor comes into the kitchen as well.

"You think he's gonna talk to me?" I ask.

"He'd be stupid if he didn't."

I look down at the marble countertop on the island, just thinking about what happened.

" OK?" Eleanor asks after she places one hand on my shoulder once again.

"Uh, yeah. I'm fine. I'm just mad at him," I lie.

"Why are you mad at me?" I hear a voice ask.

"Who the hell was that?!?" Eleanor asks, seemingly becoming petrified.

"It's Harry," I hear Harry answer.

I walk out of the kitchen into the living room with Eleanor to see Harry on my computer screen. He gives me an apologetic look while I look at Eleanor, mentally telling her to get out.

"I should........I should go talk to Louis," she stutters as she points to the hallway.

"You go do that," I yell as she runs away.

"So," Harry begins, "you wanna tell me why you're mad at me?"

"No......." I mutter as I humph and cross my arms.

"Well.......I'm sorry for whatever I did that upset you."

"You just took off. You didn't even say goodbye," I reply.

"I'm sorry-"

"Why didn't you say goodbye? What suddenly scared you off?"

"I just couldn't rack up enough nerve to say goodbye-"

"And so just leaving is suddenly the better option?"

"I love you Liz."

"No. Don't say that if you don't mean it," I argue.

"But I do-"

"So then why'd you run off?" I snap.

"Because I just couldn't control myself," Harry sighs, "when my head finally wrapped around what I was trying to do, I just couldn't apologize because it seemed like you were enjoying it-"

"You made me feel rejected-"

"And I'm sorry. I'm just so head over heels in love with you right now. I just can't control myself. I love you Liz........I really do."

"When's the next time I can see you in person?" I ask.

"Tomorrow night. We have a concert tomorrow and then the boys wanna go out for a few drinks so instead of drinking I'll catch a flight to see you. I am determined to make this relationship work no matter what."

"You don't have to come home to see me if you'd rather go out for a drink," I reply.

"No. I want to come home and see you....and Dylan. I don't wanna drink. If I do, I can drink at home. At least then I'll be with you," he answers sweetly.

"I love you Harry. I thought you were gonna go out drinking every night partying with girls but I thought wrong. I didn't think you'd ever wanna see me-" I begin.

"Of course I wanna see you. You're my girlfriend, remember?"

"I remember," I smile.

Harry and I just sit in silence, admiring each other. Harry kisses the computer screen, so I giggle and do the same.

"Liz........I have to tell you something," Harry sighs.

"What? Tell me."

As Harry begins his statement, before he even says the first word, my computer screen goes black.

"Nonononononononono shit........." I mutter.

I dash into the kitchen and grab my charger. I plug it in and reboot the computer. When it starts up, I log into Skype.......

............only to find that Harry logged off.........


I look behind me only to see Eleanor leaning up against the doorframe in the living room.

"Hey," I mumble.

"Louis had to go. They were gonna land soon. So, I thought I'd come see how you were doing," she explains.

"My computer died right as Harry was gonna say something."

"Louis told me about that. Harry seemed upset. He figured your computer died because he knows you wouldn't just log off like that."

"Does Louis know what Harry wanted to tell me?" I ask.

"Didn't ask him," Eleanor replies.

"He's supposed to be flying back here tomorrow to see me," I tell her.

"And you really believe that he's actually gonna do such a thing?" Eleanor asks as she takes a seat next to me on the couch.

"He said he was going to. He wants to make this work."

"If it's really meant to work, he won't have to fly back here every chance he gets. If it's meant to work, it can work without the constant visitations. The only reason why he's flying back here is because he's desperate to make it work because he doesn't trust himself away from you. He knows that he's tempted to cheat and the only way to avoid that temptation is to see you," Eleanor explains.

"I just don't want to be left heartbroken........" I whimper.

"I'm sorry Liz but I think you're gonna be heartbroken in the end........" Eleanor fades off.

"No. No, I don't believe it. I think we can make this work. If he's willing to go through all that trouble just to see me, then I will as well," I state.

"I'm just gonna keep my mouth shut on this one," Eleanor mumbles as she walks away.

This will work..........

I just know it........

Trapped 4: You've Changed My Life *Sequel To Trapped 3: Together Forever*Where stories live. Discover now