Chapter 18-Tour Buddies

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*Harry's POV*

After Liz logged off Skype, I decided to go to bed because I'm exhausted. I barely got any sleep since the night with Eleanor. I gently place my laptop on the side table and strip my shirt off to go to sleep. I tuck myself in, flick the lights off, and begin to drift off to sleep, dreaming of what life would be like if I quit One Direction to be with Liz.

"Hey,"  Liz smiles as she walks down the stairs, clutching her stomach.

"Hi," I mumble, feeling guilty.

"Are you alright? You seem upset," Liz notices as she sits on the couch next to me.

"I'm fine....." I trail off.

"No you're not. I can tell something's bothering you."

"I'm fine, really," I lie.

"Tell me," she begs.

"It's just...." I begin, "I regret leaving. I thought my life would've been better if I quit because I wouldn't have to worry about the lads constantly harassing me about how much I wanted to be with you but I was wrong. I think it would've been better if I stayed and just tried to do the band and be with you at once. I'm sorry........"


"Harry wake up," I hear someone whisper as I feel a hand touch my shoulder.

"Liz....." I groan and roll over so my back is facing whoever is in the room with me.

"Dude...Harry....Harry wake up!" They say, angrier this time.

"Nooo......." I groan once again as I begin to kiss my pillow, thinking it's Liz.

"HARRY!!!!" They yell.

Suddenly, I'm yanked out of bed, landing with a thud on the floor. I continue kissing my pillow as I moan in pain from my fall. I begin feeling hands continuously slap my chest as I'm still in my deep sleep. Unexpectedly, I feel a hard hand slap my face, jolting me awake. I scream in agony as I rub the spot in which I was slapped. My eyes flutter awake when I see Niall hovering above me, sitting on his knees. I sit up in pain when I finally realize that I'm kissing a pillow instead of Liz, so I throw my pillow on my bed and pretend that nothing just happened.

"Do I even wanna ask what you were dreaming about?" Niall chuckles.

"What do you want?" I groan, ignoring his question.

"We're back," Niall mumbles as he gets a little too close to my face. 

I can smell the alcohol in his breath. He may not be wasted now, but he was earlier. I shove Niall off of my body and stand up, dusting myself off. I look up to see Liam, Louis, Zayn, and Niall all glaring at me. 

"You guys aren't happy with me. I can tell. I just don't like to party anymore because I know if I do I'm gonna cheat on Liz. You guys wouldn't understand," I tell them, "for once could we do something together that doesn't involve partying or girls?"

"Just have Liz come with us. Problem solved," Louis states.

"I don't think you realize how much of a pain in the ass Casey and Dylan are gonna be on the road," I reply.

"Well then there's not really much you can do......" Zayn sighs.

"I'll figure it out," I shake my head.

*Liz's POV*

I walk inside from going to the park with Eleanor, Casey, and Dylan when we realize the phone's ringing. I rush to grab it when I realize it's Louis calling. I answer the phone and put it on speaker so Eleanor can hear our conversation as well.

"Hey Lou," I greet.

"Hey, how would you girls feel about coming on tour with us?" He asks.

"Umm I don't know. Eleanor how would you feel about that?" I ask. 

"I'd love to but I'm not sure how the kids would handle that," she replies.

"We miss you," Harry yells.

"Miss you too," I reply.

"How's this sound: next time we can come back to London, you and the kids join us," Niall proposes.

"Good idea," Liam chimes in.

"I guess that works," I sigh, still unsure.

"Works for me!" Eleanor cheers.

Eleanor runs over to Casey, picks her up, and twirls her around in the air in the living room.

"You hear that Casey? We get to see daddy soon!!" She cheers excitedly, causing me to giggle at her excitement. 

"I guess we'll see you guys soon then......" I sigh, not really sure if I actually wanna go or not.

"I'm excited to see you. I love you Liz," Harry replies.

"See you soon then," Louis responds.

"I guess we will then," Eleanor smiles.

"BYEEEE!!!!" The boys yell and I can picture them waving as they're saying it, making me smile.

"Later boys," I mumble and hang up.

"C'mon let's go pack!" Eleanor yells.

"I will in a little bit. I just need to think about things for right now," I sigh as I watch her scurry up the stairs.

Do I really wanna go on tour with them?

Or am I better off here at home with Eleanor and the kids?

Trapped 4: You've Changed My Life *Sequel To Trapped 3: Together Forever*Where stories live. Discover now