Chapter 7-Uncontrolled Love

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"What was that all about?" Eleanor asks as she walks down the porch steps.

"Did you see all that?" I ask.

"Only, like, the whole thing. What happened?"

"I don't know. He's been doing that ever since we became an item. We begin kissing and then suddenly he makes the kiss hotter and more passionate and then he suddenly freaks out and is almost scared away. I have no idea why he does that. He won't tell me," I explain, "and he only acts like that around me. I'm worried."


"Because I'm just afraid that he doesn't wanna take this relationship any farther."

"Wait, by farther do you mean sex?"

"Eventually. I'm not saying I wanna do it right now but I do wanna do it."

"So you think that he's just afraid of going all the way with you?" Eleanor asks just to clarify.

"Yeah.......Should I go talk to him about it?" I ask, unsure of what I should do.

"I would. You're scared and you believe that it's because of something you did. I'd talk to him. Find out what's going on."

I nod when she responds and then proceed through the front door into the house. I walk through the kitchen into the living room, still no sign of Harry.

"Harry?" I call, "Harry where are you?"

Getting no response, I decide to head upstairs to his room. I poke my head into my bedroom without any luck and then I make my way into Harry's room. I slowly walk inside, noticing the room's a lot cleaner than usual when suddenly I hear the door shut and my body is pressed against the door. Harry covers my mouth to prevent me from screaming. I look into his eyes to see that his eyes are full of lust and cravings. I can tell exactly what he wants, but he's not getting it. Not tonight at least. Harry gently removes his hand, his body still pressed up against mine. My breathing begins calming down now since he scared me. I look into his eyes, our mouths not saying any words. I love this boy but honestly, sometimes he scares me.......

"Shhh," he whispers as he puts his index finger on my lips, shushing me.

"Harry......." I trail off.

He unexpectedly kisses me and then his lips travel down to my neck where my sweet spot is. I moan when he begins sucking on it and then it occurs to me that his plan is to get me into bed with him so I place my hands on his firm chest and push him away and walk around him over to the other side of the room. Just as I pass Harry, he quickly grabs my wrist and turns me around so I'm facing him and meeting his gaze, becoming lost in his eyes. He leans in to kiss me and I turn my head, stopping him.

"Harry stop it!" I yell as I shake my wrist free from Harry's hand.

"But Liz I want-"

"Knock it off Harry! I know you want me but can't you tell that I don't want our relationship to be nothing but sex," I snap as I feel tears beginning to form in my eyes.

I can't stand it when he acts like this.........

I thought my return to London to see Harry would've been magical. I thought he would've taken me to dinner and then to a movie but life is nothing like a fairytale so why do I bother expecting all these wild, amazing things to happen?!? Why do I even bother..... I just wanted our night to be perfect together.......

I have a seat on the edge of his bed and cover my face with my hands, not wanting him to see the tears streaming down my face. I feel Harry sit beside me and then I feel his arms wrap around my waist. I lay my head down on his shoulder and bury my face in the crook of his neck.

"You've been acting weird ever since we got together. And by weird I mean whatever you did about five minutes ago when you tried to seduce me into having sex with you," I sigh.

"I'm sorry. I guess it's just my hormones run wild whenever I'm with you."

"Harry......I think you know why you act the way you do. Is it something I do that always scares you off whenever you try to bring passion and lust into our make out sessions?"

"I.......I can't tell you," he hides.

"You can you just don't want to. Harry I thought we promised that no secrets were gonna be kept between us? So why are you breaking that promise now?" I ask.

"It's complicated," Harry huffs.

"It's not complicated if you explain it," I reply.

"You won't understand."

"But I will if you just explain it-"

"No you won't get it! You never will! Nobody has any idea of what it's like to be me! You don't know how hard it is, especially with everything that I've done and everything I've been through," Harry shouts, quickly growing a temper.

After his face become red with anger, he quickly regrets his actions and seems to calm down.

"It's nothing you did. It's just me," he whispers as he kisses my cheek and walks out of his room leaving me alone.

Fine, you don't wanna explain it. Then I'll get the boys to tell me.

I pull out my phone, search for Louis' number, and then I call it. After a couple of rings I hear his familiar high pitched voice.

"Hey," Louis greets.

"Can I ask you something?" I ask, not bothering to say hi in return.

"You already did," he jokes.

"I realize that I did but you know what I meant. I need to ask you something about Harry."

"Sure go on."

"We just had an argument over his behavior lately-"

"What behavior?" Louis asks.

"Well, when we kiss he begins building passion into the kiss and then a few seconds later a frightened look appears on his face and then he quickly runs off. I was wondering if you knew why he acts like that," I explain.

"I know why but I'm not sure that I should be the one to tell you. I don't think Harry would want me to anyway-"

"Please Louis I need to know. His behavior is beginning to scare me a little bit," I beg.

"What do you think you're doing?" Harry interrupts, startling me.


I'm busted.......

"Harry......I was.......-"

"Save it," he cuts me off as he approaches me and takes my phone from my hand, "goodbye Louis."

Harry hangs up on Louis and then tosses my phone on his bed. He glances up and glares at me, clearly angry.

"You wouldn't tell me so I figured Louis would-"

"Did he?" Harry asks.

"No," I state.

"You look like you're lying-"

"I swear I'm not lying. You can call Louis back and ask him yourself but he's gonna give you the same damn answer. Why can't you just tell me?"

"Because I just can't!!! Geez. Why can't you just understand that?!?" Harry yells as he throws his hands up in the air in frustration.

"I'm sorry," I whimper as I sulk past Harry and exit his room.

As soon as I step into the hallway, I turn around to look at Harry only to watch him slam the door in my face. I begin walking down the hallway to see Eleanor walk out of her bedroom. She approaches me and immediately notices the tears falling from my eyes so she gives me a big hug.

"I'm so sorry............" she whispers as she runs her hands up and down my back in an attempt to calm me down.

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