Chapter 53-Making Plans

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"You OK?" Harry's mom gently asks me when she notices my sadness.

"I just miss him. We've done long distance relationships before but I don't know how this time is gonna go. The last time we both wanted to surprise each other but instead we both just swapped places by flying to the other person. And now with our little girl on the way there's even more pressure because she could really come whenever. I want Harry to be here when she's born. He promised that he would be here before I go into labor. I just hope he can keep that promise, even though I know some promises are meant to be broken........." I trail off, "I'm sorry. I bet you don't care to hear me ramble about your son and I-"

"No it's perfectly fine. I'm here if you need me or if you ever just need to talk. I know Harry. I know how he works and how his mind works," his mom reassures me as she places her hand on my knee to let me know that she's there for me.

"It's just I know that he can't just get up and leave to come see me whenever he wants so it wouldn't surprise me if I went into labor and he wasn't allowed to leave at all."

"I'm sure they'd let him go, for you at least. When you go into labor, that's when you need him most. Management would be stupid from prohibiting him from seeing his newborn daughter."

"Are you mad at him?" I ask out of the blue.

"For what?" She asks, puzzled that she could ever be mad at her son.

"For getting me pregnant," I answer.

"Of course not. I know he's making the right decision by choosing you. You care about him more than anything. He's responsible. It wasn't a mistake. I could never be mad at him for doing what he wants."

I faintly smile at the thought that she's not mad at Harry. She smiles back and then holds out my hand, admiring my ring.

"He really loves you if he bought you that," she mumbles as she continues to admire my ring, "this must've cost him a fortune. But for you, to him, I'm sure spending all the money was worth it."

We sit in silence for a few short moments until I look at my ring.

"I wanna get married," I whisper, "I really do. And now that I'm getting married to Harry I only wanna get married more."

"We should start planning your wedding. You two wanna get on with your lives and the best way to start moving on is by getting married."

"I don't know.........." I sigh, "planning my wedding without Harry. I don't know if he'd like that."

"Can't you talk to him over Skype?" She asks.

"Well, yeah, but I should probably unpack first."

"Gemma already unpacked all of your stuff and Dylan. She didn't know where his pajamas were so she just unpacked everything. I hope you don't mind."

"No, not at all. I guess I'll go get my laptop then," I shrug and manage to get to my feet with the help of his mother.

I hobble up the steps in a few short minutes and then grab my laptop. I give Dylan a kiss on his forehead before walking out of my room to go back down the stairs. I get down to the bottom only to find his mother with a huge binder filled with papers all spread out across the dining room table.

"What's all this?" I ask, amazed by all the papers.

"I just picked out a few things that I thought would be nice to include in your wedding."

"Well that's very sweet of you," I smile as I log into my computer.

I type in Skype in Google and then click on I log into my account to see Harry online, so I request a video chat. After a few short moments, Harry and his cheeky smile greet me.

Trapped 4: You've Changed My Life *Sequel To Trapped 3: Together Forever*Where stories live. Discover now