Chapter 39-Split Feelings

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As the limo pulls up to where the tour bus is parked, the feeling of loneliness begins to set in.

"Harry I'm sorry......" I whimper as I step out of the limo by myself.

I make my way up the steps into the bus and just decide to take a nap since I've been feeling awfully tired lately. I walk into my bedroom to see Dylan fast asleep on my pillows. I smile because seeing my son sleep like a little angel is so adorable. I hop in bed with him and begin to drift off to sleep in my dress.

About a half hour later I'm woken up by the sound of my phone buzzing. It's a text message from Eleanor.

From: Eleanor

I'd check 2 c what people r saying about u on Twitter............

Oh god.......

I quickly click on my Twitter app to see that my Twitter news feed is full of fans' comments of me.

"She's so ugly. I bet she's using Harry for fame because she looks awfully desperate. She doesn't even look that into him," one comment says.

"Slut," reads another.

"She looks and acts like such a stuck up bitch. I hate her. Harry, do yourself a favor and dump her," someone just posted.

"You two look cute together but I honestly don't like the girl. The way she acts around him just makes me believe she's using him."

After I read the comments, I slam my phone down on my nightstand and burst into tears. That's it. I can't stand it anymore. I'm going home. I decide to call Harry to end things and see how he's doing.

"Hello?" He greets.

"Hi," I mumble.

"Hey. What's wrong?" Harry asks.

"I.......I can't do this anymore Harry."

"What are you talking about?" He asks again, this time much more concerned.

"This! Be a couple and be with you guys on tour. I need to go home......" I begin to cry.

"Liz.......what happened? What made you change your mind?"

"I just wanna go home," I lie.

"Our house is fine. Liam's got Andy-"

"No, my home. With m-mom," I stutter as I wipe my tears away.

"Liz no-"

"Harry, don't you see that this just isn't working?!? I can't handle being in the spotlight with you. I.....I just can't. And if you're thinking of quitting the band to be with me, don't bother-"

"But Liz you said that-"

"I know what I said. But things change Harry. I really am sorry. It's all just too much......."

"But you said that you can't stand your mom. If Eleanor goes with you will you stay at the house?" Harry asks, desperate to make things work.

"Harry I don't think you understand what I'm saying," I sigh, "I'm saying I want to end things with all of you permanently. As in, never see each other again-"

"Are you drunk or something? Liz you're crazy. After all we've been through-" Harry suddenly stops himself, " it because of what people are saying on Twitter?"

I nod, not that Harry can see me do that, but it's almost like he can because he sighs.

"Deactivate your Twitter then if it makes you feel better," Harry says after a few moments of silence, "just please don't leave. I love you Liz.................Liz did you hang up?"

"No, I'm here," I murmur.

"I said I love you."

"I'm not sure who I love anymore........." I whisper.

I press end call and set my phone back on my nightstand. I honestly don't want to leave Harry, but there isn't a single positive comment about me on Twitter. It's nothing but hate saying that I'm ugly and that I'm using Harry, and yet, Eleanor's news feed is nothing but positive comments. Why does she get showered in compliments and yet I get treated as though I'm Shrek?!? It's not fair........

I make my way into the bathroom, feeling sick once again. I balance myself with both of my hands placed on either side of the sink. I stare into the mirror, examining my reflection, when I notice that I look unusually big. When an odd thought crosses my mind, I decide to test to get the truth. I pull out another pregnancy test and open it up. I do my business and then leave the test on a towel on the sink. I walk out into the kitchen and grab myself a bottle of Pepsi. By the time I have the bottle opened up in my hands, I realize that it's been three minutes and that the test is now complete. I walk back into the bathroom and hold the test in my hand when my face turns white like a ghost.


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