Chapter 29-Chilling With Eleanor

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"Harry that was amazing," I cheer as I rush over to him to give him a hug.

Harry picks me up and twirls me in his arms. But when he places me down I suddenly feel guilty, almost as though I've had a change of heart. No.......I'm not ending things with him......

We care about each other too much to break things off just because Louis made me feel special one time. I sigh and then make my way back to the tour bus because I'm clearly only going to get in Harry's way. When I arrive on the bus, I carry Dylan into my room and set him down on my bed to sleep. Instead of going to sleep in Harry's bed, I decide to sleep in mine with Dylan. He begins to drift off to sleep along with me.

"Good morning angel," Harry whispers.

"What time is it?" I ask as I sit up and check my phone. I've only been asleep about 20 minutes.

"The boys are gonna go out partying. You wanna join us?"

"No," I mumble, "actually.........I wanna go home."

"You can't go home. Not for a while at least," Harry tells me.

"But......." I trail off.

"I'll stay here with you if you want," Harry insists.

"If you want to you can. I don't want to make you stay if you want to go out and have a drink with you're best friends. It'll just be Eleanor and I. We're just gonna talk and hang out. It probably won't be that much fun for you-"

"Hold on," Harry stops me, "do you not want me to spend time with you and our son or something? Because that's what it sounds like."

"Of course not! I love you Harry. Why would you think that?" I ask.

"Because I saw the way you and Louis were looking at each other," he admits, "you still love him don't you?"

"No. I love you and only you. I have no more feelings for Louis, I swear."

I kiss Harry and then entangle my hand with his. I love him so much.

"I guess I'll go have a drink then," Harry sighs and walks off the bus.

"Just don't do something you'll regret or something stupid!" I call as the door shuts.

"No promises......." I hear Harry mutter.

When the aloneness sets in, I suddenly hear a loud banging on the door of the bus. I duck for cover in case it's someone who's after me. When the banging continues, I decide to hide in my room for safety. I hear the sound of the door opening so I peer out from my room to see Eleanor carrying Casey. She looks as though she just got attacked by lions.

"The fans outside are animals!" She yells as she takes Casey into her room.

"Those are fans?!?" I gasp.

"Yeah. Who did you think it was?"

"No one........." I mumble, feeling paranoid.

"You know, sometimes I regret getting pregnant. Instead of going out and partying with the boys like I used to love doing, I have to stay here and be a mom. I can't just go out and have fun anymore. It sucks," she sighs.

"You can go party if you want. It's fine with me. I'll watch Casey."

"No. I think for once I actually wanna stay and babysit."

I walk into the lounge area where Eleanor's sitting. We pop in The Emperor's New Groove, make popcorn, and chill having a movie night.

"I haven't seen this movie in a long time," I mumble.

"Hey, are you OK?" Eleanor asks, sensing something's wrong.

"I'm fine......" I lie.

"Is everything alright with Harry?"

"Ooo I like this part," I speak up, avoiding the subject with Harry.

"You're not answering my question. I said is everything OK with Harry? You can tell me. I won't tell anyone."

"We're f-fine," I stutter.

"I'm sensing something's wrong here. What's going on?" She asks, turning off the movie.

"I thought we were watching that," I tell her as I point to the large flat screen TV that was previously on.

"Well this is more important. Seriously, Liz, what's going on?"

"I...........I feel as though he wants to break up with me," I whisper.

"What?!? Why?!? I pictured you two getting married and having more children."

"The way Louis acted during Last First Kiss made him believe that I still have feelings for him."

"Do you know who wrote that song?" Eleanor asks.


"Louis did............and he wrote it about you. The entire song is about your relationship with him. He wrote that song after you two broke up," she explains.

I sit appalled at the fact that the song is about me. I've listened to that song so many times. I don't understand how I didn't figure this out earlier. Does this mean that he still loves me? I can't ask Eleanor that question. No, she'll freak out thinking that I want him back now.

"Louis wrote that to get his feelings for you off his chest," she adds.

Oh, so maybe he doesn't still like me.......

But that still doesn't explain why he was attached to me the entire song...........

Is it because I'm the song basically? The entire song is about me.

As I'm sitting thinking everything over, my phone suddenly buzzes. I unlock my phone and read the text message.

From: Louis

Every time I sing that song, I think of u and fall in love with u all over again. I just can't get u out of my head. You drive me crazy. I love u. xx.

Instead of replying or showing Eleanor the message, I decide to just delete it and pretend that I've never received it. Eleanor and I are just sitting in awkward silence, unsure of where to take the conversation next.

"If I tell you something will you promise not to repeat it?" I ask.

"Of course. Anything. What is it?" She asks, suddenly becoming interested in my secret.

"I..........I think I might be pregnant again......."

"Oh my god......." Eleanor whispers, unsure of how else to react.

Instead of cheering or wanting to kill Harry, she just hugs me. When I feel her arms wrap around me, I suddenly burst into tears.

I can't believe I'm going down this road a third time..........

I still haven't even told Liam that Dylan was supposed to have a twin sister........

Trapped 4: You've Changed My Life *Sequel To Trapped 3: Together Forever*Where stories live. Discover now