Chapter 54-Dress Shopping

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I wake up the next morning to find that I apparently slept on the couch. I barely got any sleep last night because I was up all night thinking about my future. I guess you could say that these boys sort of ruined my life because I could've finished college, gotten a proper job, and had a semi nice life. But I guess staying here with the boys has its perks too. I sit up on the couch, rubbing my eyes and moving my hair so it's out of my face. I stand up, stretch, and then look down and remember why I'm here. Of course, I'm still pregnant.

I walk into the dining room to see Anne, Harry's mom, sitting at the dining room table working on our wedding.

"You really don't have to do that," I tell her, causing her to pause from her work so she can look up at me.

"I insist. I love doing this kind of stuff. Besides, this is something that I can do that can keep me busy."

I decide to just shut up and leave it at that. I head into the kitchen to grab myself some breakfast when I hear Anne calling my name.

"What's up?" I ask when I return into the dining room.

"Who would you like from your side of the family to be invited to the wedding? I'll need their name and address," she answers.

I honestly don't want anyone from my family invited to the wedding. In fact, I don't really want a big wedding to begin with. I just want our friends and family, well, Harry's friends and family to be there.

"There's no one I know that's related to me that I want to be at the wedding," I mumble, "and I have no friends so don't even bother inviting my friends either."

"Why don't you want anyone that you like at the wedding?" Anne asks softly.

"Because no one likes me," I whimper.

"The boys like you-"

"Of course they do. They're all madly in love with me. I just want a small wedding with your family and a few of Harry's friends," I mumble.

"If that's what you want, then I guess that's what you'll get," Anne sighs.

"Thank you," I faintly whisper before heading upstairs.

"Wait!" She calls.

"Yes?" I ask.

"We're gonna take you bridal gown shopping today."

"Oh," I sigh, not really thrilled to be going.

I walk into my room, seeing Gemma picking out clothes to wear. I sit down on her bed, feeling conflicted about actually getting married now.

"You OK?"

"I don't know. It feels like everything's moving so fast that it's all a blur. I'm getting married in less than two months and I'm also having a baby around that time."

"Did my mom tell you we're going dress shopping today for the wedding?" Gemma asks.

"Yeah," I answer as I begin picking out clothes to wear.

"Mama!" I hear Dylan yell.

"Hey buddy!" I smile as I pick him up out of his crib and place him in my arms.

As soon as Dylan gets cozy, he immediately gets fussy, wanting to get out of my arms, begging to be held by Gemma. My face suddenly becomes gutted at the thought that he wants to be with everyone but me. Let's face it, I'm used to being abandoned at this point. I walk out of the room, feeling sad and unloved and head into the bathroom to get changed. I come back out wearing sweatpants and a sweatshirt and head back into my room to get shoes. The first thing I notice is Gemma tickling Dylan, who appears to be having the time of his life with her.

"Having fun?" I ask, heartbroken that Dylan appears to hate me.

Dylan giggles like crazy, causing Gemma to smile as she begins to play peek-a-boo with him,

"I'm glad you're having fun," I whisper as I sadly sulk out of the room.

I walk downstairs to see Anne packing up her purse so we can leave to go dress shopping. I step into the room and she looks up to see me standing there, ready to go.

"You ready?" She asks.

"Yeah. Let's go," I mumble as I walk towards the front door.

Anne follows me to the door but then quickly stops at the stairs to talk to Gemma.

"Gemma?" She calls, "Gemma are you coming with us dress shopping?"

"No. I'm gonna stay here with Dylan. I already have a dress," she replies.

"Alright," Anne sighs, "I guess it'll just be the two of us."

I nod and then open up the front door and then walk down the patio to the car. I hop in the passengers seat and buckle my seatbelt as Anne buckles hers. She pulls out of the driveway and drives to the nearest wedding dress store.

About 15 minutes later we pull into the parking lot for a store called Stephanie's Bridal. I nervously hop out of the car and make my way into the small, yet cute dress store. I begin to look around when I see a beautiful dress. I quickly walk over to it, desperate to get to the dress before someone else gets to it first. I grab the dress and take it over to Anne to get her opinion on it.

"Oh my god that dress is gorgeous!" She gasps as she admires the dress, "try it on."

"With this baby bump? I'll be surprised if I even get the dress up," I mumble.

"Have a girl help you get it on."

I sigh as I watch Anne rush over to a sales lady to get me some help with this dress. She brings the lady over and she smiles at my dress choice.

"We just got that dress in and I love it," the sales girl smiles.

"She'd like to try it on," Anne begins.

"Well we're gonna have to get you measured before you can try the dress on. Unfortunately we don't have any wedding dresses for expecting mothers but if we measure you we can have a dress made and then when the dress gets shipped to the store we can call you to come in and try it on," she explains.

"Alright," I sigh.

"Just stand on this podium and I'll go get a piece of paper and measuring tape," the girl instructs.

I do as I'm told and within seconds a tape measure is being wrapped around my stomach. The girl writes down a number and continues taking more measurements. When she's finished, she wraps the measuring tape around her neck and walks to the check out desk. I get down off the podium and stand across from her at the desk with Anne.

"What's your name?" She asks.

"Liz Thompson," I immediately answer.

"Alright and when's your wedding?"

"October 16th," Anne blurts, causing me to glare at her. I understand that she's trying to help but I can do some stuff on my own thank you very much.

"Alright. The dress should be ready sometime in September. Here's your receipt. Have a nice day ladies," the girl calls as Anne and I walk out of the store.

"That dress you picked out was very pretty," Anne tells me as we hop back into the car.

"Thanks," I reply, "I just hope Harry likes it."

"I'm sure he'll love it because he loves you."

"I just hope he can be home in time for the baby and the wedding if management will let him come here."

"If they don't we'll give them a piece of our minds," Anna states.

"Ha. You better believe it," I mumble as Anne puts the car in drive and we head home.

Trapped 4: You've Changed My Life *Sequel To Trapped 3: Together Forever*Where stories live. Discover now