Chapter 8-Make Ups & Break Ups

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"I just don't understand why he doesn't want to tell me," I whisper.

"I'm sure he has a good reason."

"If he gives me a good enough reason then I'll stop bugging him about it and wait for him to tell me himself when he's ready to."

"When he's ready I'm sure he'll tell you. I just don't think now's the right time for him to admit it," Eleanor replies.

"Do you know why?" I ask.

"Yes and I'm not telling you," Eleanor blurts.

"Why is everyone in on his secret and not me?" I ask, wondering what's wrong with me.

"Nothing. He just cares about your reaction and your opinion the most. He's afraid you'll judge him after you find out. He wants to be the one to tell you," Eleanor soothingly tells me.

I look at Eleanor and look at Harry's door and then slowly sulk away. I want to apologize but I'm probably just gonna piss him off more. I should just break up with Harry but I don't want to. I love him too much to break his heart. Times are hard enough for him as it is. I don't wanna make it any worse. I walk down the stairs and then walk down to the basement and have a seat, thinking about what Harry could possibly be hiding from me.

"I'm sorry about earlier," I hear Harry say as he comes down the steps and has a seat next to me.

"No, it's not your fault. I shouldn't have been so nosy," I apologize, "you can tell me when you're ready."

"I'm ready to tell you," Harry admits, "I've slept with a lot of girls in the past and people usually think of me as a womanizer because I've had sex more than all of the lads and every time I kiss you, I kiss you as though we're having sex and I just wanna go farther and farther. All those girls I slept with, they meant absolutely nothing to me. I just wanted to have sex with them. So I get kind of careless and carried away when I usually kiss girls and have sex with them. That's why I get so rough sometimes. And then when I open my eyes during our kiss, I see you and I remember how much you mean to me and how much I care about you. I immediately feel guilty because I was basically treating you as though you meant nothing to me. But you mean so much more. I just don't wanna use you. I wanna make you feel much more special than those other girls that I slept with. I don't wanna rush things.....but I can't help it when I begin to get forceful. I'm not used to kissing a girl that I actually care about."

I sit in shock after Harry finishes his story. I can't believe that he never told me this before.

"Harry, why would you keep something like this from me?" I ask.

"Because I thought you'd hate me and think of me as a womanizer as well."

"I could never hate you or think of you that way. You're so much more than that," I smile.

"I love you Liz and I'm sorry for not telling you sooner."

"I love you too Harry."

"Hey guys," Niall surprisingly greets.

"Niall!" I state in shock as I run up the stairs and give him a ginormous hug, "what are you doing here?!?"

"We came for Harry. We figured if he was stranded here, then we all should be stranded here."

"Wait, who's we?" Harry asks.

"Zayn, Liam, Louis and I," Niall answers.

I walk into the foyer to see the guys hauling their luggage up the stairs and into their bedrooms. When Louis sees me watching, he pulls me aside into the dining room to talk to me privately.

"Did he tell you?" Louis asks.

"Yeah. We're good now."

"I missed you-"

"Louis....." I sigh as I walk away from him, "we can't do this."

"Do what?" Louis asks, playing dumb as if he has no idea what I'm talking about.

"This! Become an item," I tell him as I point back and forth between the two of us.

"But I love you-"

"Saying I love you isn't gonna change where you stand with me. It's not gonna change anything. Please don't start this again. What's wrong with Eleanor?"

"She's not you," Louis stops.

I watch as Louis heads back into the foyer to carry the rest of his bags up to his bedroom. Not this again......

Why must everyone think that they're better than everyone else?!?!

I have to tell Eleanor about Louis. Maybe she can put a stop to his constant flirting......

I hear footsteps coming down the stairs only to see it's Louis. He jumps to the floor and walks over to me with a determined look on his face.

"Now what?" I ask, sounding a lot ruder than I mean to be.

"I got this for you," he replies as he shows me a new tattoo on his left ring finger.

I look at the tiny tattoo to see that it's an infinity symbol with my name and a heart in it. I gasp in shock when I realize that Louis did that. He actually went through with his crazy tattoo idea earlier. He picked a terrible spot for the tattoo though. Now when he goes to get married and they have to put the rings on each other's fingers, the girl is gonna wonder why Louis has a tattoo of my name on his finger.

Real intelligent Lou........

"I feel sick," I mumble as I sprint upstairs to find Eleanor.

I can't stand seeing the boys constantly trying to win back my heart......

Trapped 4: You've Changed My Life *Sequel To Trapped 3: Together Forever*Where stories live. Discover now