Chapter 17-No Harry, Please Don't......

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*Harry's POV*

"I know you want me........" Lola seductively whispers.

"Has the alcohol gone to your brain or something?" I ask.

"What are you talking about?" Lola asks.

"I don't want you-"

"Well then why'd you close the curtains?" She interrupts.

"Because I don't think anybody out there would care to see you practically naked. Get dressed," I state, "I'm sorry Lola."

I collect my shirt and tie that Lola stripped off and exit the club through the back door. I check both ways before crossing the street and then I make my way over to the tour bus. I log onto Skype and notice that Eleanor's on. I click her name and request a video chat.

*Liz's POV*

"Liz!!!" Eleanor calls, "LIZ GET DOWN HERE!!"

I rush down the stairs from changing Dylan to hear Eleanor screaming her head off. I walk into the living room to see her practically fangirling over her laptop.

"Did someone get shot or something? What's all the screaming about?" I ask as I try to recover my hearing. I wouldn't be surprised if her screaming made me deaf.

"You have a video chat request," she smiles, "from CurlyBoo21."

I smile when I remember that's the cheesy Skype name I told Harry to use. I thought it was cute and funny at the time and now whenever I see or hear his username I just smile like an idiot.

"Alright get out. I wanna talk to him in private," I tell her as I push her out of the living room.

"Ask him where Louis is and then text me when he tells you the answer."

"Or you could stay, ask him yourself, and then get out?" I suggest.

"That works too. Let's go with that," she says as she presses the accept button.

"Hi Harry," we both greet simultaneously.

"Hey," he replies.

"Where's Louis?" Eleanor blurts. I'm taken aback by how desperate she sounds to know his answer.

"Oh, they're all inside. We're at a club. I was inside and then things......just didn't work out so I came back on the bus. It's just me," Harry explains.

"Alright, you got your answer Eleanor. Now get out so I can have a private chat with Harry if you don't mind," I tell her as I do the little shoo motion with my hand.

When I hear Eleanor's footsteps going up the stairs, that's when I realize that we're both finally alone.

"So how have you been?" Harry asks, breaking the awkward silence.

"I've been hanging in there. It's hard knowing that you're not here but I've been coping. Dylan hasn't been taking it so easy though. He doesn't seem to want to calm down anymore because I think he knows that you're not around. He misses you and so do I," I explain.

"I miss you both too," Harry mumbles as he glances down at the floor.

"So how was the club?" I ask.

"It was fine......." Harry sighs, seeming upset.

*Harry's POV*

Damn this guilt is eating me alive right now. I know what I did was wrong but I don't want to admit what I did because I know it's going to upset Liz. We sit in silence for a few more minutes when suddenly the guilt eats me to the point where I can't stand hiding it from her anymore.

"I met someone," I blurt.

"You what?" She asks, hurt. I can see some tears beginning to form in her eyes.

"This girl named Lola tried to get me to have sex with her. She was nice but she's not my are. I love you. She stripped down to her bra and underwear and that was when I drew the line. I told her I wasn't interested and then I came back to the bus. She kept seducing me but I just wasn't gonna go through with her. She just wouldn't take no for an answer. I'm so sorry," I explain.

"Harry........." she stops, probably feeling a lump in her throat that won't allow any words to come out.

"I knew it was wrong but she basically stalked me the whole night. She came up to me and I told her I wasn't interested but she didn't listen. I'm so sorry Liz. I love you I really do. Lola means nothing, absolutely nothing to me, I swear," I say, trying to save my ass.

She just gives me a look of disappointment for what seems like forever. My ass is probably going to be kicked to the curb right now for almost cheating. If she doesn't dump me I'm going to be thankful for her forever. I will forever be grateful for having her and for her putting up with me through my countless screw ups.

"I love you," she eventually says after what seems like forever.

"You what?" I ask, taken aback by her surprising words.

"I said that I love you Harry," she repeats herself.

"I thought you be furious with me right now," I admit.

"Of course not. I mean, I was a little when you said you met someone else. But then when you explained it, it only made me love you more. And you wanna know why? Because you were completely and totally honest with me. You didn't lie. You knew it was right to tell the truth and you did. I love you Harry," she explains.

"I love you too," I smile, glad that I'm not in trouble.

"I......I should go. It-it's getting late and I don't wanna keep you up all night," she sighs.

"If that's what you want. I love you Liz."

"I love you too Harry."

"Goodnight," she mumbles.


And then my screen goes black...........

I miss you Liz......

Trapped 4: You've Changed My Life *Sequel To Trapped 3: Together Forever*Where stories live. Discover now