Chapter 19-Can't Sleep

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Do I go on tour with Harry? I REALLY want too, so badly, because I'm desperate to see Harry and spend more time with him. And I'm sure Louis wants to spend time with Eleanor too. I'm just so afraid of how Dylan and Casey are gonna be on the road. I love Harry but I don't really want to go on the road because I'm afraid I'm just gonna get in Harry's way with his career. I don't want him to stop doing what he loves just because I managed to come on the road to see him.

I get over the constant bickering in my mind to put it aside just to go upstairs and start packing for when the boys come to pick us up to bring us on tour with them. I wonder if management even allowed them to come on tour or if the boys are disobeying management. I don't wanna get in trouble with management just because I wanna be with Harry. That seems like I'm just desperate and I know that this relationship won't work. It's so hard dating Harry but I don't wanna end things just because times are hard right now. And things are only gonna get harder with One Direction's career taking off once again.

I'm beginning to wonder if there was a reason as to why Harry skips out on all of the partying. I think it's because he knows he's going to cheat, but if he's willing to skip out on the partying just to talk to me than I'm willing to deal it. Granted the rest of the boys aren't happy that Harry skips out on the partying but that's what he wants to do. It's his decision and Harry should be allowed to make his own decisions, considering he's over 18 years old. What I don't understand is that management allows them to go out to all these wild parties, getting drunk and having sex with girls, yet management yells at the boys the night after because they party too hard. What kind of logic is being used in that situation?!? They just wont let the boys win, will they?

I reach the hallway upstairs when I notice a large pile of suitcases sitting outside of Eleanor's room. I walk over to them and then peer into her room to see her scrambling around, searching for things.

"We're going on tour. Not moving," I giggle.

"I just wanna make sure I have everything," she replies as she begins packing up her makeup.

"And you accomplish that by practically taking your entire room with you? It could be a couple months until the boys come back to London to pick us up. Why are you packing everything now?"

"Because I don't wanna end up rushing to pack at the last second. Knowing me, if that happened, I'd end up forgetting something important," she answers.

"Alright then........" I shrug and head off to my room.

I pop into the nursery just to check on Dylan before I head into my room to pack. When I realize he's perfectly fine, fast asleep, I head back into my room. I head for my bureau and put some of my clothes into my suitcases. If the boys don't come this weekend, I won't have to worry about pulling clothes out of my suitcases. I hear Dylan crying so I take off out of my room into the nursery. I pick him up out of his crib and cradle him in my arms.

"It's alright. Shh. It's OK Dylan. There's no need to cry," I whisper soothingly.

"WAAAAA!!!!" Dylan wails.

"Dylan," I groan, "please stop crying."

"Is everything alright?" Eleanor asks as she peers her head into the room.

"No," I mumble, "Dylan hasn't calmed down since Harry left."

"I'm no genius here but I think Dylan's a daddy's boy. What are you gonna do?" Eleanor asks.

"I don't know........" I whisper.

"Try calling Harry. Maybe if Dylan hears his voice he'll calm down," Eleanor suggests.

"What if he's sleeping?" I ask.

"Do you wanna calm him down or no?" She glares.

"Yes," I mumble.

"Then call him!" She orders.

I roll my eyes at her command. I pull out my phone, look up Harry's contact information, and press call. I put the phone on speaker and wait to hear Harry's voice.

"Hello?" He groans.

"Are you tired?" I ask.

"Very. Is there something you need or did you just wanna talk?" He asks.

"I need your help," I tell him.

"With?" He asks once again.

"Dylan's being fussy again. He doesn't wanna go to sleep. He usually does when he hears your voice," I explain.

"Where are you getting at here Liz?" Harry asks.

"Can you sing to Dylan to put him asleep?" I ask.

"You could've just said that right away instead of making me ask a billion questions," Harry mumbles.

"Can you just do it? Please?" I beg.

"Ugh! Fine. What song?" Harry asks.

"Summer Love is fine," I answer.

Harry takes a moment to think over the lyrics and then he softly begins singing.

"Don't promise that you're gonna write, Though promise that you'll call, Just promise that you won't forget we had it all, Cause you were mine for the summer, Now we know it's nearly over, Feels like snow in September, But I always will remember, You were myyyyy summer love, You always will be myyyyyy summer love," Harry gently sings.

I look down at Dylan while Harry sings to see his eyes begin to flutter close. By the time Harrys finished, Dylan's fast asleep. I smile as I watch him sleep with his thumb in his mouth. I pull the tiny blanket overtop of Dylan to wrap him up to make sure he's nice and warm. I kiss the top of his head and quietly walk out, gently closing the door behind me. I walk back into my room to finish my conversation with Harry.

"Thank you so much," I whisper.

"You're welcome."

"I'm gonna let you go so you can get some sleep," I tell him, "goodnight Harry. I love you."

"Love you Liz. Night," Harry mumbles.

I hang up the phone and place it on my nightstand. I pick up the photo I have of Harry in a photo frame on my nightstand, kiss it, and put it back down.

"I love you Harry. I miss you," I whisper to my picture of Harry.

Trapped 4: You've Changed My Life *Sequel To Trapped 3: Together Forever*Where stories live. Discover now