Chapter 28-Last First Kiss

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"Hey Liz," Liam gently whispers as he tries to wake me up, "breakfast is ready."

I ignore Liam and continue sleeping when I suddenly feel a soft pair of lips on mine. I immediately wake up to see Liam kissing me. I gasp and shove Liam off of me, afraid Harry saw us.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?!?!" I yell.

"You wouldn't wake up so-"

"So you don't kiss me!" I interrupt, "Liam, I told you and I'm gonna tell you again for about the thousandth time I DON'T LIKE YOU THAT WAY!!!!!!!"

Before Liam can once again try to apologize, I push past him and stumble into the miniature kitchen and dining room located on the tour bus. I clutch my stomach as I take a seat between Harry and Eleanor, feeling pains in my stomach. I look over to Harry to see that he looks guilty and hurt, probably because he sees me in pain. Zayn passes out the plates containing pancakes and bacon. When I receive mine, I just stare at it, feeling my stomach getting queasy. I quickly get out of my chair and sprint to the nearest bathroom. I sit down in front of the toilet and puke my guts out. Either that food just looks really unappealing or I'm pregnant. Please let it be the first one.......

When I'm finished I just sit in front of the toilet, feeling weak and in pain.

"Uggghhh," I groan.

"This is my fault, isn't it?" Harry asks, surprising me by his presence.

"No......." I mumble.

"Did you lose your appetite?"

"Yeah. And my stomach hurts really bad," I complain.

"You're not p-pregnant are you?" Harry asks, afraid.

"God I hope not," I whimper.

Harry sits down next to me and cuddles me in his arms. I lay my head down on his shoulder and feel happy that I have him in my life to take care of me when I feel like shit.

"Are you coming to the concert tonight?" Harry asks.

"I am."

"But are you gonna be able to go if you don't feel well?" Harry asks once again.

"I'm sure I'll be able to feel well enough by then," I tell him.


"Five minutes boys. Five minutes," a stage helper tells the boys as he scurries off again.

"I should........I should probably go take my seat," I stutter as I hold Dylan in my arms.

Harry comes over and gives Dylan a sweet kiss before he gives me one of my own. I smile and then make Dylan wave to Harry. I give him one more sweet kiss before I head off to go sit with Eleanor and Casey in the first row.

"Good luck," I call to Harry.

"Thanks. Love you," he replies.

"I love you too."

We walk down to the first row of seats and take a seat right next to Eleanor.

"How's Niall feeling?" She asks.

"He seems fine," I reply.

When I notice Dylan beginning to fall asleep, I sit him in his stroller, tuck him in, and let him rest. As the boys begin to run onstage, I notice Harry looking at me, and only me, because I'm the only girl he wants in his life. The boys open up with Last First Kiss. As they begin the song, Harry seems to be wandering around the stage a bit more, looking around at his adoring fans, and just getting........careless in a word. When the chorus begins playing, Louis comes right over to me. He sits down on the edge of the stage, takes my hand, and sing to me. Right into my eyes. A small smile appears on my face, feeling like the luckiest fan in the world.....and then I realize Eleanor's sitting right next to me and I'm with Harry, not Louis. I quickly shake Louis' hand out of mine and try to pretend like nothing happened.......

............But something did happen.......

.......I fell in love with Louis all over again................

Trapped 4: You've Changed My Life *Sequel To Trapped 3: Together Forever*Where stories live. Discover now