Chapter 45-Here's What We're Gonna Do

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"What are we gonna do?" Niall asks once again after a few more moments of total silence.

"Beat her at her own game," Harry states.

"Yeah. How?" Liam wonders.

I remain seated with my hand on my stomach when Harry kneels down in front of me and kisses my stomach. I giggle and blush at his silliness, causing him to smile. He seems so excited knowing that he's gonna be a dad. I just hope it's not a miscarriage.......

"We need dirt on her," Louis smirks.

"I already got that covered. She is currently stuck in a puddle of mud-" Harry begins.

"Not that kind of dirt," Louis interrupts, "information that if and when exposed could ruin her reputation. But first we need to find out who her boyfriend was. As long as she keeps her information about us under lock, we'll do the same."

"I guess I'll do that," I mumble.

Harry hands me Eleanor's laptop that's sitting on a nearby table. I type in Louis as a password guess and surprisingly it works. I click on her photos and the first photo that pops up is Lola kissing.........

I gasp in shock and cover my mouth when I click on the picture. I turn the computer so the boys can see the screen and they all gasp in shock as well.

"Well that explains a lot," Louis speaks up.

"I could never picture her with him though," I mumble.

"I don't think she ever was," Harry insists.

"She said boyfriend-"

"Yeah but who said that it was just one guy?" Harry states.

Instead of believing him, I just nod, pretending I agree. I continue rooting through her pictures and then I click on her Instant Messages between her and Lola. I read their entire conversation which explains the whole reason why Lola even came in the first place.

"Guys," I nervously say, "take a look at this."

"I don't feel like reading all that. Just summarize what it says," Zayn complains.

"Well after Eleanor came here to meet you. Apparently Eleanor found out that Zayn's the only one that hasn't had sex with a virgin. Apparently that makes him sacred or something. I'm not really sure. I don't totally understand it but that supposedly means a lot to Lola. So now Lola wants to have sex with Zayn. The only reason why she hung out with you Harry is because she figured she would've had a better chance of getting with Zayn if his friends like her," I explain.

"That's messed up," Liam shouts.

"And makes zero sense," Harry adds.

"So then how are we gonna beat her at her own game?" I ask.

"Give me the computer," Louis suddenly demands.

"What are you-" I begin to ask before the computer is snatched out of my hands.

"If I copy these files to a flash drive, we'll have them. That way in case someone deletes the files, we'll still have a copy."

"I guess that makes sense," I sigh.

"Well now what?" Harry asks awkwardly.

"Hey guys," Eleanor suddenly greets out of nowhere.

"When did you get here?" Zayn asks.

"Just now. What are you guys doing?" She asks.

"Nothing," I lie, "I'm tired. I need to rest."

"Here. Let me help you up," Harry states as he offers me his hand.

"I'm fine. I can do it myself," I insist.

I open my bedroom door and Dylan sits up smiling.

"Hey Dylan!" I coo as I twirl him around in the air.

I begin tickling Dylan on his bed, causing him to burst out into laughter when suddenly I head my bedroom door open. I turn around to see Eleanor holding Casey. She smirks a smile and I just have a blank expression on my face.

"Can we come in?" Eleanor asks.

"You already are," I mutter.

"Look, I'm nothing like Lola, I swear. I saved Harry. You've gotta believe me," Eleanor blurts.

"And what makes us believe you?" I ask.

"I know things about Lola that you don't," she states as she begins to glare at me.

"Like what?" I ask.

"How many boyfriends she had. She only dated one guy.........Josh. He was supposed to propose. She was heartbroken when she found out you guys killed him. She wants to make you guys suffer the same fate. She wants to kill the guys so that you will know how she felt when she heard of Josh's death," Eleanor explains, "I'm on your side. Granted I'm her sister and I'm kinda responsible for this whole mess but when I found out that she even wanted to destroy Louis that's when I started playing on both sides. I'm only on Lola's side to continue getting information, but I'm really on your side. You can trust me."

After many moments of thinking over how honest Eleanor is, I decide to trust her after all considering she's been honest the entire time I've known her. It was apparently just a misunderstanding.

"Alright," I sigh, "but we need you to tell us everything. And I mean EVERYTHING."

"Deal," she states as she gives me a hug.

Trapped 4: You've Changed My Life *Sequel To Trapped 3: Together Forever*Where stories live. Discover now