Chapter 49-Wherever You Are, I'll Find You

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I sigh in frustration as I run my hands through my hair and look around the parking lot for any sign of Harry. I grow excited when I see a car pulling into the parking lot. I watch the car as it drives around and then stops a few feet away from me. When I see Eleanor, Casey, Louis, Liam, and Zayn hop out is when I suddenly kick myself in the butt for actually believing that that would've been Harry. I walk back to the bus, gaining a confused look from the others, and pull out my phone in an attempt to call Harry. The phone begins ringing and then I hear a second ring. Harry! I run to the window to see if I can spot Harry and then I realize that the ringing is coming from right next to me. I look down only to notice that I'm only hearing ringing because Harry left his phone on the table.

"Everything OK?" Louis asks.

"Harry......." I whimper.

"What do you mean?"

"He left....." I sigh as I feel a tear escape my eye.

"Hey," Louis whispers as he comes over to me, pulls me closer to his body and wipes my tears away, "it'll be OK. I'm sure Harry's fine."

"He's probably doing something stupid," I mumble.

"Knowing Harry, probably. But you'll never know until you find out."

"And how do you intend to do that?" I ask.

"Call him-" he begins before I hold Harry's phone up in the air, "oh. Scratch that then."

"Got a plan B?" I ask.

"Umm," Louis pauses as he places his fingers on his scruffy chin, clearly trying to think, "I think I know where Harry went."

"Where?" I ask.

"Come with me," he instructs as he takes my hand and leads me to his car.

I walk down the steps of the bus, through the parking lot, over to Louis' black Porsche. I hop in the passengers seat as Louis starts up the engine and speeds off down the road to wherever he believes that Harry went.

"Did he go with Lola?" I ask.

"Well if he's not where I think he is, then yeah he probably went with Lola," he answers, causing me to become sad at the thought that I lost him to that slut.

"Do you think he likes her more than me?" I ask once again.

"Liz, if he does, he's an ass. Lola doesn't like Harry so if he's trying to get her to like him then he's making the biggest mistake of his life. You're amazing and if he doesn't see that then that's his loss."

I smile when Louis finishes speaking because that was very nice of him to say.

"T-thank you Louis," I mumble.

"For what?" Louis asks as he glances at me, confused.

"For helping me with Harry," I reply.

"Well I care about you and your happiness. I love you Liz."

"I love you too Louis," I whimper as I stare up at the sky for the rest of the drive.

About ten minutes of pure silence later, Louis pulls into a small neighborhood with pretty houses.

"Where are we?" I ask as I admire my surroundings as Louis continues driving.

"You'll see," he murmurs.

A few seconds later and Louis pulls up into a driveway that leads to a small brick house. I look inside the garage only to see the familiar Range Rover.

"He's here. That's his car. Go inside. I'll wait out here," Louis instructs.

"You can leave. I'll probably be in there a while and I'll probably be leaving with Harry anyway."

"Are you sure?" Louis asks.

"Yeah. Thank you so much," I whisper as I give him the biggest hug ever.

"You're welcome," Louis smiles before I hop out of the car.

I shut the door and begin to nervously walk up the driveway. I glance behind me to notice Louis watching me. He gives me two thumbs up and I finally get enough courage to go inside. I just hope he's not mad at me.........

I walk up a couple brick steps and then follow the pathway to the door. Before I ring the doorbell, I look back at Louis to see him pulling out of the driveway. He begins to drive away but quickly stops and waves to me since I'm watching him. I wave back and then ring the doorbell, just praying that Harry's here.

*Harry's POV*

"Harry, don't be difficult with her. I agree with her I think you two are rushing-who could that possibly be?" My mother rambles before the doorbell rings, cutting her off.

I follow my mom to the door. She opens it only to reveal a nervous Liz looking down at the brick patio.

"Is that her?" My mother mumbles as she points to Liz.

"Yeah, that's her," I smile.

"I'll leave you two talk. C'mon Gemma let's leave them alone," she whispers as she leads Gemma into another room.

I watch my mother and sister leave the living room, leaving me alone with the love of my life. I quickly shake my hair to make sure it's perfect and then nervously open the door. She smiles slightly while I have the biggest grin ever on my face. I motion my hand for her to come in and she does so.

"Hi," I shyly mumble, "how'd you get here?"

"Louis drove me," she replies, seeming just as nervous as I do, "I thought you left me."

"Oh Liz," I whisper as I wrap my arms around her waist and pull her in for a hug, "I would never leave you. I was just so frustrated. I didn't know where to turn. I didn't really have anyone to talk to, and the only person I used to talk to about my problems was my mom. She always knows what to do. I'm so sorry for trying to rush things so soon. You were right, I am crazy."

"No," she smiles, "you're Harry."

I lightly chuckle at her silliness, causing her to blush. I pull her in for a sweet kiss, only to get awed by my mother and sister. I quickly turn around to see them blushing a deep shade of red, embarrassed to be caught.

"Eavesdrop much?" I smirk.

"It was her idea!" Gemma yells as she points to my mother.

"Mom........." I glare.

"I'm sorry sweetie. I couldn't help it. It's what mothers do. I just wanted to make sure that you weren't going to do anything stupid," she says as she walks out from the hallway, "you've turned into such a wonderful young man and I'm proud to call you my son. And you," she begins as she looks at Liz," you seem like such a lovely lady. Thank you for making my son so happy," she smiles as she gives Liz a hug.

"I love you Liz," I whisper.

"I love you Harry."

"C'mon baby. Let's go home," I whisper as I wrap my arm around her waist, pulling her closer to me as we walk out the front door together.

I open up Liz's door for her. She hops in and I shut the door after her and then run around to the drivers side and let myself in. I start the engine and then pull out of my driveway to head home with the best thing that I could've ever asked for........


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