Chapter 44-Remembering

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*Harry's POV*

"Shit," I mutter as I begin plummeting to my death.

I continue falling until I bang my back against a rock. I roll off the rock screaming in pain when I suddenly flop face first into a huge puddle of mud. I stand up, spitting the mud out of my mouth, and then realize that Lola isn't screwing around. She's out for revenge.

Why is everyone out to kill us?!?!

I look around at my pitch black surroundings and then try to make my way up the hill. I take one step and land right on my face again because my sneaker got stuck in the mud. I clear the mud from in front of my face and groan, looking up at the sky.

It'll be a while before I get out of here............

*Liz's POV*

"My head hurts," I complain as Liam wraps a bandage around my hand.

"You seriously don't remember anything?" Zayn asks.

"Well, I remember you guys."

"There's a start," Louis mutters.

"Do you remember getting the ring from Harry?" Niall asks.

"Yeah, I remember getting the-where's my ring?!? Oh god....." I panic.

Oh shit Harry's gonna kill me.........

"You lost your ring? Who loses an engagement ring?!?" Louis wonders.

"I do apparently," I reply sarcastically.

"Well do you remember the bonfire?" Zayn asks.

"I don't have time to answer anymore of these silly questions. I have to find my engagement ring," I blurt as I frantically search the bus everywhere.

"You don't remember what happened at the bonfire, do you?" Zayn pouts.

"No......" I sigh, "I wish I did."

"Well your sweatshirt caught on fire. Well, not yours. The one Niall gave you did-"

"And you still owe me another sweatshirt," Niall mutters grumpily as he crosses his arms and makes an angry face which is honestly the most adorable thing ever.

"I think I know a way to bring Liz's memory back," Louis speaks up, and then quickly runs off.

I look at Zayn, Liam, and Niall in curiosity to see if they had any idea what Louis meant but they seem to have as much of a clue as I do. Louis runs back in five seconds later with an annoyed look on his face.

"That means that you guys are supposed to follow," Louis instructs.

The boys all come to their senses and follow Louis off the bus. I'm afraid to see what he has in mind......

*Harry's POV*

"Almost there," I groan to myself as I begin to reach the edge of the cliff.

"Why hello," Lola evilly greets as she appears at the edge of the cliff.

"You again," I mutter.

Just as I grip the edge where Lola's standing, she lifts up her foot to crush my fingers again when I get a sudden burst of energy inside of me. I unexpectedly grab her foot and flip her over, making her fall into the pile of mud. After a few short seconds, I hear a splash and feel mud splash on my back. I grip the grass that is beginning to rip when I see Eleanor appear in the distance. I yell her name and she appears in front of me in a matter of seconds.

"Eleanor help me up please," I beg.

"YOU ASSHOLE!!!" I hear Lola yell behind me as she tries to attack me.

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