Chapter 10-Hurting

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As I'm in the middle of my peaceful nap, I'm awoken by the my of my phone ringing. I sit up to answer my phone when I realize that Niall must've left when I fell asleep. I pick up my phone from my nightstand only to find it to be my mom calling. Why on earth would she want to talk to me? Especially if she hates me......

"Hello?" I groan.

"Where are you?!? You haven't been home in the past four years!!!"

"Mom, calm down I'm fine-"

"I'm sure you're not fine!"

"I'm fine. You don't have to worry. Why do you care anyway if you hate me?"

*Harry's POV*

I walk upstairs after a nice walk around town just to clear my head. I haven't seen Liz since Niall and the gang showed up. I approach her bedroom door when I hear the faint sound of crying and arguing inside. I just about put my knuckles on the door to knock when I realize that I should probably leave her alone for now. I walk into the nursery room instead to change Dylan's diaper when Liam comes in.

"What are you doing?" Liam asks.

"Changing Dylan. Why?" I reply.

"We're leaving soon-"

"When's soon?" I ask, concerned to leave Liz again so soon.

"Tomorrow night," Liam answers.

"When did we get plane tickets?" I ask.

"Who said we're flying?" Liam raises an eyebrow.

"No..........You can't be serious.......I can't leave Liz so soon. I barely got to spend any time with her," I protest.

"Yeah, well, that's what happens when you date a celebrity," Liam argues as he walks out of the nursery.

Liz is gonna kill me when she finds out that we're leaving tomorrow........

But I don't wanna leave, yet I have to. I can't stand being famous sometimes... Why can't I just be normal.

I finish changing Dylan so I put him down because it's time for his nap. I walk out of the nursery and walk to Liz's room. I stand and listen but when I hear nothing, I decide it's safe to go in. I walk in but Liz isn't in there.

"Liz?" I call, "Liz are you in here?"

When I get no response, I realize that there'd be only one place that she could be. I sprint to the bathroom to find the door to be locked. I bang on the door numerous times only to find Niall walk out of it five seconds later. I groan and race back into Liz's room. I walk into her bathroom to see Liz crying in her bathtub. I look down on her and then I see a huge pool of blood in the tub with her. Oh my god..........

"L-Liz......" I choke, considering no words will come out.

She looks up at me with an upset look on her face. I can tell she's been crying because her eyes are glassy. Instead of saying anything, I sit down on the side of the bathtub. She looks at me and I take her hand in mine. When she lets go, I look at my hand to see that her blood's all over my hand.

"Liz........." I trail off.

"I know, I know. You're ashamed of me," she cries.

"No. I just don't like that you do this. It'd not good for you-"

"Well I have no other way to take my anger out."

"You could talk about it-"

"You won't understand!"

"Please stop this Liz," I whisper as I take her hands, "for me..........Stop-"

"Stopping is easier said than done," she mumbles.

"Come on, let's get you out of here and cleaned up," I mumble as I take her hand to pull her up.

"No......" she whines as she pulls her hand away.

"Liz.......Don't be difficult. I just wanna help you."

"Go away........"

"Give me all of your blades and I'll go away," I argue.

After a few minutes of Liz being grumpy and refusing, she reluctantly gives them up. I flash her a proud smile since I know how hard that must've been for her to do that. I gently kiss her temple and then I slowly walk out of her bathroom, gently shutting the door behind me. Now all I have to do is hide these things........

I make my way into Niall's room and hide them in his nightstand drawer where he keeps his stash of condoms. I turn around to check if anyone's watching and then I grab three condoms for myself. I run out of his room and dash into mine while trying to not look suspicious.

I wonder what Liz was arguing about on the phone earlier........ Maybe that was what upset her.......

Or maybe it was something else.......

Trapped 4: You've Changed My Life *Sequel To Trapped 3: Together Forever*Where stories live. Discover now