Chapter 23-I Majored In Torture

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"You promise you're gonna keep me safe no matter what?" I ask as I take Harry's hand.

"I will," Harry whispers as he kisses my temple.

We sit in the closet for a few more minutes until the door is opened by Zayn. He looks down at us and then he kneels down next to me.

"Are you OK?" Zayn asks.

"Who was that?" I ask, feeling frightened.

"Nothing you need to worry about-"

"Whoever it is they are after me I'm pretty sure I should be worried!" I interrupt.

"Liz, Liz look at me," Harry whispers as he cups my face and makes me look at him, "you're gonna be safe."

Harry takes my hands and holds them in his, giving me the feeling of reassurance. I look up at Harry to see that he's nervously smiling. I can tell he's trying to make me feel safe when honestly, I bet Harry doesn't even feel that safe himself. Zayn gets to his feet and walks out, leaving Harry and I alone.

"I think I wanna go for a walk. I need to clear my head," I mumble as I get to my feet.

Harry grabs my hand just as I get to my feet, nearly making me fall because of the strength of his pull.

"Are you sure it's safe to go out there ALONE with a kidnapper on the loose?" Harry asks as his eyes grow wide.

"Did you forget that I was walking alone when you guys kidnapped me?" I smirk.

"Right....I forgot."

I giggle and smile before leaving Harry alone on the closet floor. I walk out the front door and head down the patio before Zayn rushes to my side.

"Geez does anyone trust me around here?!? God....." I snap.

"We just want to protect you!" Zayn argues.

"I can protect myself thank you very much," I state.

Zayn grabs my wrist, but I quickly pull it away and walk off, not wanting to be babysat during my walk. If something happens I can protect myself. I turn left when I reach the corner and continue walking. As I'm walking, I feel something fall. I look up to see that the clouds have turned dark, almost black. I feel the sensation again when I realize it's raining. When the winds begin to pick up, I zip up my jacket all the way and throw my hood over my head. I continue walking, but suddenly stop when I hear a huge crack of thunder, followed by a bright zap of lightning. My breathing begins to pick up when I realize that I must've made a wrong turn somewhere because now I'm lost.....

I turn around to see if I recognize the scenery when I'm startled by the same hooded figure that was confronting Zayn earlier. It is Annabelle.

"You......" I mumble, still out of breath.

"We meet again," a dark voice replies, "better run."

"Oh my god....." I trail off, "now I know why the boys wanted to come with me so badly."

"Good going. You fucked yourself over.......and now you're gonna pay the price."

I scream at the top of my lungs, hoping someone will hear me and come see what the commotion was, before I take off running. I run across the street without realizing that a car's headed my way. As soon as I touch the other side of the sidewalk, I turn around to see the hooded figure trying to get around the moving minivan without getting hit. Thank god. I just bought myself some time, but not much. I continue running as the rain continues coming down, harder and harder. So much for a peaceful walk to clear my head.........

I turn around to see my hunter gaining on me, and fast. I'm never gonna outrun them. I begin trying to run a little faster, hoping that they're gonna slow down. I reach a four way intersection and just run across, still not bothering to stop and look both ways. I turn around to notice that they are no longer chasing me.

"Phew...." I sigh, "I finally lost them."

I turn around to continue walking when I run into the hooded figure, I look up to see them glaring over me.

"Think again........" the figure smirks.

I continue staring at the face, but then I realize it isn't a face...........

................It's a mask...............

I rip the mask off their face when I gasp in shock.

"You......" I gasp.

"Yeah," they chuckle, "it's me.........I've missed you-"

"Ha....I haven't," I mutter.

In an instant, I feel their strong arms grab my wrists, nearly cutting off the blood circulation in my hands. I whine in pain as I'm suddenly dragged away. I look up at them to see them glaring at me. They throw the hood over their head to protect their identity when I realize that I've been kidnapped once again.

Harry please help me.......

"P-please, please let me go," I beg.

"Not a chance," they glare, "you don't know how long I've waited to have you all to myself. And now that I do, you'll never see your precious boy band or son ever again-"

"Don't you dare touch them!" I threaten.

"Or what? You're gonna defend yourself? I think we both know that if you and I fought you wouldn't stand a chance against me. I'm more powerful and stronger than you and you know it," they glare.

I'm suddenly thrown into the back of their van, tied up by my wrists and ankles, and have my mouth taped over with duct tape to make sure that I keep quiet. I give them a look of fright knowing that the boys think that I'm on a walk. They probably think I'm fine, I'm not in any sort of danger. Well that's exactly the opposite of what I'm going through right now. Let's face it, there's no way that I'm getting out of the situation alive........

When the van stops, they open the door and carry me into their house fireman style. I'm taken upstairs and into the master bedroom where I'm thrown into the closet. I try screaming for help but because of the tape my scream is muffled. The doors are slammed shut and I'm left in a pitch black closet all by myself.


..........Someone help me..........

Trapped 4: You've Changed My Life *Sequel To Trapped 3: Together Forever*Where stories live. Discover now