Chapter 25-Insane Doesn't Even Begin To Describe Nathan

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As I frantically dig through every single bag and drawer in Nathan's room, I can't seem to find a single weapon or anything that could potentially help us escape. I walk over to the window and try to pry it open when I realize it's locked. Wonderful......

As I'm still searching, it sounds as though a stampede of wild elephants is running loose in the hallway right outside the door.

"I give up! There's absolutely nothing here that can help us!" I yell as I throw my arms up in the air in frustration.

"Look," Rachel sighs, "I took this from his nightstand after I realized that I'm trapped here," she continues as she hands me a dagger, "you seem like you could put some use to this much more than I could."

"Thank you," I smile, feeling as though I just added another friend into my life, "so, what happened between you and Niall."

"He got scared because I told him that Annabelle was my sister so he ran off. I haven't heard from him since."

*Niall's POV*

"RUUUNNNNN!!!!!!!" Louis yells at the top of his lungs as we continue running away from Nathan.

"Let's face it, wherever we hide Nathan will find us because he knows this house like the back of his hand," Zayn pants, trying to catch his breath.

"Dude don't stop to slow down-" I begin.

"You want that maniac to catch us?!?" Liam frantically asks.

"No but I don't feel like dying from exhaustion," Zayn continues panting.

"You wouldn't die," Harry begins, "you'd pass out."

"Oh, yeah, that makes me feel SOO much better," Zayn mutters sarcastically as he rolls his eyes.

"AHA!!" Nathan yells as he spots us, "you're mine now!!"

"RUUUUNNNNN!!!!!" I shout as I push the lads, trying to get them to find their feet and use them to run.

As we're running, I turn around to see Nathan running at top speed, seeming as though he'll never run out of energy. I turn my head so I can see where I'm running when I suddenly wipe out in the middle of the hallway. I skid across the floor and slam into the wall. I look down to realize that my pants were falling off my ass and I tripped over the one leg. I stand up and try to continue running when I realize I'm screwed if I keep running and trying to pull up my pants at the same time. I spot and elevator and quickly run into it, the doors just barely closing by the time Nathan got to them. When the doors shut, I kick off my shoes and take off my pants, getting rid of everything that I'm wearing that slows me down.

The doors to the elevator open revealing the second floor. I run out in only my T-shirt, boxers, and my socks and look to find the boys, but fail to find them. I'm taken aback when I suddenly hear the sound of girls talking behind one of the doors. I stand in front of the door that the noise is coming from so I can stand and listen to see if Liz is in here.

"Do you think they're gonna find me?" I hear a girl ask.

"Liz, I know the boys. I bet they're all here looking for you. I bet they're also being chased by Nathan but I'm sure they're looking," another one explains.


"Liz.....Liz open up. It's Niall," I call as I bang on the door, "I'm here to save you."

"Niall?" Liz replies, "Niall the door's locked."

"Why does that not surprise me?" I shake my head.

*Liz's POV*

We're saved! Well, not yet, but we will be as soon as Niall gets the door open.

"Search for a bobby pin or something else that we can use to bust the door open," I instruct.

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