Chapter 15-The Long Goodbye

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"So you think Louis deserved to get barfed on?" Harry smirks.

"Of course," I smile as I take his hand.

We walk into Dylan's room to see that he's very fussy. Harry picks him up and begins tickling him, causing Dylan to begin squealing.

"Harry don't hurt him," I giggle.

"I'm gonna miss you so much buddy....." Harry mumbles when I notice his face turn sad.

"Now you know how I feel when I watch you guys leave," I mumble as I wrap my hands around his waist.

"I love you Dylan," Harry whispers.

"I love you Harry," I reply sadly.

"I love you Liz."

"Don't go......" I trail off.

"I'll be back before you even realize I'm gone."

"Ow...." I mumble as I clutch my stomach.

Harry sets Dylan down on his changing table and comes over to comfort me. Dylan tries squirming off but Harry's quick to keep him still. Harry cups my face so I look him in the eyes and he gives me a sympathetic smile.

"Are you alright?" Harry asks.

"I'm fine. My stomach just hurts," I faintly reply.

"Oh.... I have a surprise for you," Harry smiles.

"Really? Another surprise?" I groan.

"This one will be fun I promise. Go get dressed into shorts and a tank top. Make sure you bring your bathing suit and another change of clothes," Harry instructs.

"What? Are we going to the water park or something?" I ask.

"You'll see. Just go get dressed. I'll change Dylan in the meantime."

I groan and then walk out of the nursery and head into my room. I pack my bikini and some extra clothes and then I hop in the shower.

When I'm finished my shower, I change into my clothes and then walk into the nursery where I see Harry packing things for Dylan. I lean on the edge of the doorway with a smirk on my face when Harry finally notices me.

"Someone's lookin' sexy," he smirks.

I roll my eyes at his silliness and then play peek-a-boo with Dylan.

"Where's Dylan?" I coo and then I pull my hands away from my face, "there he is!"

Dylan erupts into laughter, causing Harry to smile at my corniness. I giggle and continue playing with him as Harry packs. When he's finished, I follow him into his room so he can get changed. He throws his T-shirt over his head and puts on a new one. I tickle Dylan's tummy as Harry throws off his pajama pants and boxers to put on new pants. Unless we're having sex I really don't wanna see anything I'm not used to seeing. So that's why I'm averting my attention to Dylan. When Harry's finished he lies down on his bed and asks for me to join him. I crawl over to Harry and he does the corny pretend to yawn so you have an excuse to put your arm around your girl trick. I giggle at his silliness and Harry pulls me onto his lap. I begin to play with his curls, getting the funniest reaction from him. I giggle at his adorableness when he suddenly hops up.

"We better get going. It's a long drive. Go get Dylan," Harry instructs.

I walk into the nursery, grab Dylan and his bag, and my stuff and then walk downstairs to the car. Harry loads his stuff into the car and then a humongous bag with who knows what in it and then a cooler.

"Are the others coming too?" I ask.

"Nope. It's just the three of us," he tells me as he closes the trunk to his Range Rover. I throw my stuff and Dylan's stuff in the back seat and then I buckle Dylan into his car seat. I hop into the passengers seat, buckle my seatbelt, and then shut the door. Harry hops in moments after and then within a few seconds he's backing out of the driveway off to wherever he's taking me.

Trapped 4: You've Changed My Life *Sequel To Trapped 3: Together Forever*Where stories live. Discover now