Chapter 32-Not The Reaction I Was Going For

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"Hello Harry," I smirk as I twirl, showing off my new makeover.

"W-what have you done?!?" Harry shouts.

"Do you like it?" I smile.

"No, honestly. I think that this version of you is hideous. I hate it," Harry states as he hops up to get another drink.

Instead of starting an argument, I decide to just run back to the bus so I don't cry in front of thousands of strangers. I burst through the bus door and make my way into my room, feeling as though whatever I do is never good enough. It's like Harry expects something better. Something prettier......Basically someone that isn't me. I hear the sound of shuffling outside and that's when I realize that Eleanor and Niall are standing outside of my room. I bet they can hear me crying.

"I know you guys are out there," I call as I continue crying.

Giving it as though it's the signal that they should come in, they do so. Eleanor rushes over to me on the bed, desperate for me to tell her what happened.

"What happened?" Niall asks.

"I don't want to talk about it," I sob as I cry into my pillow.

"How'd Harry react?" Eleanor asks.

"I said I don't wanna talk about it! Can't you guys respect that? Now get out!!!" I yell as I push the two of them out of my room.

"Liz we just want to help," Niall calls.

"You wanna help? Then leave me the hell alone!"

I continue crying when I realize Dylan woke up. I must've woken him when I slammed the door shut. I cradle him in my arms and kiss his forehead.

"What do you think of mommy's new makeover?" I ask, as if he's actually gonna answer me.

"WAAAAAA!!!!!" Dylan erupts in a hissy fit filled with tears.

"Thanks......." I sigh, feeling as though I'm the ugliest human being alive.

Why does his reaction not surprise me?

I knew I was making a mistake when I wanted to change my appearance..........

Eleanor was right.........

This was a mistake. A major mistake........

And I regret ever doing it........

"Can I come in?" I hear Harry ask as he knocks on my door.

"Oh so now you actually wish to be seen in public with the ugly freak?!?" I snap as I open the door, exposing my tears.

"You're not in ugly freak. I just don't like this new look of yours. I liked your old look. It was much more prettier. Why'd you change?" Harry asks.

"Because I wanted to impress you. I thought that I was losing you to all those sluts that you were sitting with inside. I just wanted to win you back," I whisper, feeling another tear fall down my face.

"Don't change your look to impress me.....or anybody for that matter. If someone doesn't like you for who you are then they surely aren't worth hanging around if all they're gonna do is put you down. I love you Liz, if the Liz that I know is still inside there somewhere," Harry smiles.

"She is. And if I could change my look one more time, I'd like to take you on a date," I propose.

"I'd love to. As long as you change back to your beautiful self I'd be glad to."

"Alright. Give me a few moments to get changed."

Harry walks out to give me some privacy. When the door shuts, I dash to my makeup box and pull out a wig that I kept for an occasion just like this one. I wipe off all the overused makeup and put so me natural and light pink makeup on. After about a half hour of rechanging my appearance, I finally finish. I step out of my bedroom to see Eleanor gasp, almost as though I'm a movie star.

"you look GORGEOUS!!" Eleanor states.

"What she said," Niall chuckles.

"You really think so?" I blush.

"Harry's gonna be so impressed," Niall smiles.

"He's been impressed since the moment he met you," Harry smirks as he stands in the living room, looking more handsome than ever.

"Well don't you look handsome?" I giggle.

"Not as wonderful as you do though," Harry replies as he takes my hand in his.

"I love you so much Harry."

"I love you too," he smirks, "you know? I like this look on you much, much better."

"I do too," I giggle, "I'm sorry for changing for you."

"It's quite alright," Harry tells me, "just as long as you never do it again."

"I promise."

Harry takes my hand once again and leads me out of the bus, back into the club.

"Harry, are you sure about this?" I ask.

"There's no one else I'd rather spend the rest of my life with. You're the one Liz," Harry replies as he leads me to the dance floor to spend the rest of the night dancing with me, and only me.

I guess I won his attention over after all........

And it was totally worth it even if it meant that I had to practically turn into a redhead to accomplish that goal.

Trapped 4: You've Changed My Life *Sequel To Trapped 3: Together Forever*Where stories live. Discover now