Chapter 46-Driving Liz Crazy

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Eleanor walks out of my room a few short moments later with Casey in her arms, leaving Dylan and I alone. I change his diaper and then throw his pajamas on when Harry unexpectedly walks in.

"Well hello," I greet.

"Hey babe," he smiles as he comes over to give me a kiss.

"Wing!!" Dylan cries.

"Oh, he reminded me," Harry begins, "here you go."

"Oh my god where did you find it?!?" I gasp as I take my engagement ring from his hands.

"Lola found it."

"Found it or stole it?" I question.

"Probably stole but nonetheless, at least we got it back."

"I'm gonna kill her," I mutter.

"We can kill her later. Right now, it's time for bed," Harry instructs.

"Yes sir," I giggle as I hop into bed.

Harry hops in after me and immediately engulfs me in a huge teddy bear hug. I laugh at his charm and he gives me a kiss on the top of my head.

"I'm gonna have to go home soon," I whimper.

"Why?" Harry asks, suddenly seeming to have become depressed.

"The baby. After a certain time, I can't travel anymore till the baby's born."

"That sucks."

"Yeah...........but hey, that's life."

"It's my fault.........." Harry mourns.

"It is but just think, soon Dylan will have a little brother or sister," I grin.

"WING!!" Dylan unexpectedly shouts.

"Is that the only word he knows?" Harry chuckles.

"Yeah. I'm trying to get him to say mommy but he won't do it," I pout, "Dylan, can you say mommy?"

Instead of saying anything, Dylan just looks at me, eager to get out of his crib. After staring at his puppy face, I groan and give in, allowing Dylan to lay in bed with Harry and I. Harry lifts Dylan onto his lap and begins tickling him, making me smile at the fact that Harry's so good with kids and that he's such a good dad.

"I love you Harry," I whisper after I kiss his cheek.

"I love you too," he replies.

"Dylan can you say mommy?" I ask.

"Wing," he cheers.

"No not wing-err, ring. Mommy. Can you say mommy?" I stumble with my words, making Harry laugh at the thought that I'm using Dylan's language.

Dylan just pouts and looks at Harry, causing him to smirk at me that Dylan likes him better. I humph and excuse myself to go to the bathroom.

*Harry's POV*

"Hey little buddy. Looks like it's just you and me now," I whisper.

"Wing," Dylan states.

"Mommy's ring is on her finger. She's in the bathroom right now."

"M.........mama," Dylan eventually says.

I gasp and then a smile of joy appears of my face. I hug and kiss Dylan like crazy and constantly call Liz to get in here.

"Liz.......Liz get in here.........Liz quick.......LIZ!!!" I yell.

"What's all the yelling about? Can't a pregnant girl take a piss in peace?!?" She groans as she walks up to the bed.

"You'll never believe what Dylan said while you were gone," I grin.

"What?" She asks as she tucks herself in under the covers.

"Dylan said mama," I tell her, causing her to become ecstatic.

"Dylan!! You said mama!! Say it again!!" Liz cheers like a five year old.

After a few minutes of silence, Dylan changes his point of view from me to Liz. He looks straight into her eyes and cracks a smile.

"........................WING!!!" He cheers as he grabs Liz's engagement ring.

"He really likes that thing," I shake my head.

"I thought you said that he said mama. Last time I checked ring, or wing in his case, and mama are not the same thing," Liz grunts, not believing me.

"I swear he said mama," I state, suddenly becoming defensive.

"Uh huh......." she mutters, not believing me still.

"C'mon Dylan, say mama again," I instruct, but he just shakes his head no grumpily.

"Let's face it, he'll say mama again when pigs fly, and that'll never happen," Liz sighs.

"You're probably right," I reply, suddenly becoming sad.

I push the covers off myself and get out of bed to place Dylan back in his crib.

"It's time for bed," I tell Dylan, but he just pouts unhappily.

I lay Dylan down, tuck him in, and then head back over to Liz in bed. I tuck myself in, give her a kiss goodnight, and turn out the lights, beginning to drift off to sleep.

"Mama," Dylan faintly says.

"Please tell me that I heard what I just think I heard," Liz states as she sits up in bed, suddenly jolted awake.

I chuckle to myself and roll on my side, my back facing Liz.

"Goodnight Liz," I smirk and fall asleep.

Trapped 4: You've Changed My Life *Sequel To Trapped 3: Together Forever*Where stories live. Discover now