Chapter 41-The Bonfire

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"I just........I just can't believe that I'm gonna be a dad," Harry smiles.

"Believe it......." I mumble.

"Why do you not seem happy about that?" Harry asks.

"I just.......I'm just nervous........" I whimper.

"We'll get through it. As long as we have each other," he whispers.

Harry wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me closer to his chest. I bury my face in the crook of his neck and feel loved. The door to the tour bus swings open and suddenly everyone walks in, but Eleanor seems upset. Instead of asking what's wrong, I just stand next to Harry with his hands on my stomach.

"Are you guys expecting again?" Louis asks. I nod while crying happy tears.

"Congratulations," Zayn growls, clearly not happy.

"Boys," Paul announces over the intercom, "we're having a bonfire tonight with the crew and with a few guests. Come meet me by the huge field behind the bus in a few minutes. You should bring a coat, some sticks, and marshmallows."

"Be right there," Niall instructs.

Niall, Liam, Louis, Eleanor, and Zayn all walk off the bus, anxious to go screw off for once. I remain on the bus nervously, unsure of where I actually belong at this very point in time. I sit down on the couch and the couch dips when Harry joins me. He places his left hand on my thigh and I look up to him, my eyes appearing glassy as though I'm upset.

"Do I really belong here anymore?" I nervously ask.

"Of course you do. You're my fiancée. Why wouldn't you belong here?" Harry asks as though I'm crazy for thinking such a thing.

"I just feel like I just get in your way with the tour and everything......" I trail off.

"You don't. You really don't. I know you don't wanna believe me but you really don't," he mumbles as he wraps his arm around my neck, "c'mon. Let's go roast some marshmallows."

Once Harry finishes his statement, he gets up off the couch and walks off the bus. I eventually follow him and walk through the muddy field where logs and a bonfire is beginning to start. I take a seat next to Eleanor and Liam sits next to me surprisingly. I give him a hug showing him that I'm not mad at him. Surprisingly, I notice Danielle's curly haired silhouette off in the distance talking to Zayn.

"Hey Liam, isn't that Danielle over there?" I ask as I point to where I think I see her.

After a few minutes of trying to decipher whether or not that is her, he realizes that it is. He says yeah and then springs up from his spot on the log to go talk to her. The more members of the band that have girlfriends, the better because the less they will try to break Harry and I up.

"Alright everyone gather around!!" Paul announces as he waves a lighter up in the air.

I look around for Harry when I notice that he's talking to Lola again. I roll my eyes as I groan at his constant lying. He says he's not into her yet he's basically flirting with her.

"Don't let her get to you," Eleanor whispers, "if it makes you feel better, I think you're MUCH prettier than that slut over there."

"Haha thanks," I giggle.

We hear the sound of shouting so we turn behind us to see Niall and Louis carrying coolers filled with beer down to where we're sitting. What is it with these boys and alcohol?!?

"Is this seat taken?" Zayn smirks, surprising me.

"N-no," I grumble.

"Gather around! We're gonna light the fire!" Paul yells once again, specifically at Harry and Lola who wandered off down the field some ways to talk.

I watch Harry and Lola begin to walk back when Zayn decides to sit down next to me. I shift my position so that I'm closer to Eleanor when I feel his knee brushing up against mine.

"Why'd you beat up Harry?" I ask angrily.

"He deserved it. I mean look at him over there flirting with Lola. You don't deserve that, and I'm not saying that because I'm in love with you. I'm saying that because you're my friend and I care about you-"

"I haven't been your friend since you teamed up with Annabelle," I interrupt, now gaining the attention of Eleanor and some others when they begin to hear our bickering.

At this point, Niall and Louis are beginning to pass out bottles of beer to the people gathered by the fire. Eleanor accepts Louis' offer. I, however, have to turn down the alcohol because of the baby while Zayn, on the other hand, gladly takes a bottle. Zayn pops the cap off and begins to take a sip.

"Well I'm sorry. I only did it because I care about you-"

"Well because you care about me you just lost two friends. Both Harry and I can't stand you now. And I hate you for trying to murder my boyfriend earlier in the bar-"

"He started it-"

"Oh really? Because he said you started it," I snap.

"Who are you gonna believe, your cheater boyfriend, sorry, fiancée? Or me?"

"I'd trust a cheater over you any day," I mutter.

When it begins getting darker outside, Paul lights the fire up. Zayn excuses himself to go get another beer. When he leaves, Eleanor just shakes her head at me. I ignore her comment when I suddenly see Harry and Lola making out. I drop my soda in despair and begin to go over to break them up when I suddenly hear screaming. I begin to look around when I notice that it's beginning to get really warm where I'm standing. Eleanor gets up and begins screaming like a girl in a horror movie. Instead of listening to her having a meltdown, I just tune her out when suddenly Zayn runs over to me and pushes me to the ground. I begin to try to shove his body off of mine when I realize that he's saving me. A few seconds later, the logs in which we were sitting on earlier burst into flames. Zayn brings a bucket over to where I'm lying and dumps it on my body. I shriek at the water's coldness when I realized that Zayn just saved my life.

"Your sweatshirt caught on fire," Zayn mumbles as he tosses the bucket aside.

I just shake my head in dismay, shaken up by the recent events lately.

"T-thank you," I manage to speak up, "you saved my life."

"Liz are you OK?!?!" Harry freaks out as he rushes to my side.

"I'm fine now," I snap, "you, however, I'm extremely mad at you now!"

"I can explain-"

"I'm sure you can," I mutter.

Harry shakes his head at the thought that I can't understand what he has to say and walks over to help Paul, Louis, Liam, and Niall put out the fire. A few seconds later I see a big red fire truck pull into the parking lot with its lights flashing and sirens blaring. Zayn offers his hand and I accept it and he pulls me up out of the mud. I sit back down in the grass and hug my knees. Zayn sits next to me and we just watch the firemen do their job.

"I have a present for you," Zayn smirks.

"What is it?" I ask, not really looking forward to what he has to show me.

I suddenly feel a gooey marshmallow pop into my mouth. I giggle and chew the marshmallow as Zayn continues feeding them to me. Deciding to be fair, I place a marshmallow in Zayn's mouth, resulting in the both of us bursting out in laughter at our silliness. I glance over at Harry to see that his eyes are locked on me like a hawk. In the darkness, I notice his hand linked around someone's waist. It only takes me a few seconds to realize that the girls silhouette is in fact Lola's. Not that that surprises me or anything.

"So are you two over now?" Zayn asks as he points to Harry in the distance.

"No. But if that Lola girl hangs around him any longer we will be," I grumble as I give Lola a death glare.

That girl is going down one way or another.........

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