Chapter 48-Really? Another Missing Boyfriend Report?

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"I love you Harry," I whisper as we help Cody pack up his stuff.

"I love you too Liz."

"Thank you so much for coming Cody," I smile.

"You're welcome," he says before I dive in to give him a hug.

Harry takes my hand and leads me to the bus. I walk on when he sits me down in one of the barstools. He sits next to me and a serious expression grows on his face.

"We need to start planning our wedding," Harry smiles.

"Our w-wedding?" I manage to say, feeling a lump grow in the back of my throat because I'm nervous.

"Well, yeah. I didn't just give you the engagement ring for no reason."

"But Harry, it just seems like way too much at once........" I sigh, getting up from my seat.

"Hey, Liz, hey wait up," he calls as he tries to catch up to me in the parking lot.

"What?" I call, feeling as though I want to cry.

"What's the matter?" Harry asks.

"I just feel like we're rushing into this. We just got engaged like a month ago and now you want to start planning a wedding-"

"Because I want to spend the rest of my life with you-"

"I understand but don't you think this is all too much at once? The tour, the baby, us, Lola. It's just too much to handle," I murmur, feeling as though this is gonna end in a breakup.

"Liz........." Harry trails, "I love you. I just want to do what will work best with our schedule. We're on a short break for the rest of the month-"

"So you're trying to plan an entire wedding in less than a month?!? Harry, you're crazy."

"I thought you wanted to get married," he replies.

"I do! I just didn't think you'd wanna get married so soon."

"But.........." he trails off.

"If you wanna rush things, do it with someone else. If you really love me you'll be wiling to wait," I state as I run back to the bus to get away from Harry.

I close the bus door behind me, leaning up against it, fighting back tears. I rest for a minute, calming myself down before I get too worked up and then feel that I should go back out there and calmly sort everything out. I reopen the bus door to see the parking lot. I notice Cody's tour bus pulling away with Niall waving goodbye, but no sign of Harry........

I walk down the steps over to Niall, looking for Harry the entire way, when I realize that it's almost as though he's completely vanished.

"Hey Niall have you seen Harry?" I ask, becoming a bit scared.

"Wasn't he with you?"

"He was but we sort of got in a fight. I went back into the bus to calm down and then when I came out again he was gone," I explain.

"I haven't seen him since we were cleaning up Cody's equipment.

"I just don't understand where he could have gone.........I left for about two seconds and then I come out here and it seems as though he was never here," I state, absolutely dumbfounded.

"Why does he keep running off?" Niall asks.

"I have no idea..........Where are the others anyway?" I ask.

"Probably went shopping. Maybe Harry went to meet them," Niall suggests.

"I doubt it..........." I mumble.

Trapped 4: You've Changed My Life *Sequel To Trapped 3: Together Forever*Where stories live. Discover now