Chapter 51-Getting To The Bottom of Things

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After Liam opened up my bedroom door for me, I walk out to the parking lot with Dylan in my arms.

"Hey buddy!!" Harry calls when he sees Dylan.

Dylan giggles and begins kicking his legs, anxious to get to Harry. I hand him over and then Harry randomly begins tickling my stomach.

"And hello to you too," Harry smiles.

I giggle and roll my eyes at his silliness when I suddenly see Niall's silhouette in the distance. I begin speed walking over to him to give him a piece of my damn mind. I spin him around when I reach him and immediately get in his face.

"What the hell do you think you're doing locking me in my room?!?!?" I snap.

"I never locked you in your room," Niall replies, looking at me as though I'm crazy.

"I don't wanna hear any of your bullshit-"

"I swear I was never on the bus within the past hour. I never locked you in."

"Well someone did," I glare.

"Don't be looking at us," Niall states while pointing to himself, Louis, Eleanor, and Zayn.

"Well I gotta look at somebody," I state.

"Go look at your fiancée," I hear Louis mutter.

"Harry would never lock me in."

"Are you sure about that? Because I saw him walk off the bus with a satisfied look on his face about 20 minutes ago," Zayn chimes in.

"Eleanor do you really believe that Harry would do such a thing?" I ask.

"No......" she whispers.

"I told you so," I glare.

"Stop looking at us. None of us locked you in. Who rescued you anyway?" Niall asks.


"Well then go question Liam."

I quickly turn around and head the other direction, listening to Niall. I jump into the bus in search of Liam when I notice that he's not in here. I walk back down the steps and look around to see his car. He's gotta be here somewhere. I walk back onto the bus when I suddenly get a weird feeling in my stomach. I clutch my stomach and stare down at the floor, unsure of what's going on.

"Dylan needs to be chang-oh my god Liz are you OK?!?" Harry panics when he sees me practically doubled over in the lounge.

"I'm fine.........I think," I whimper as I get back to my feet.

I stand up, looking at Harry only to see that his eyes are looking somewhere else. I try to figure out where he's looking and then I look down to see my growing baby bump.

"I still can't believe that I'm pregnant again," I whisper.

"There's someone who still doesn't know about the baby, or Dylan," Harry speaks up, "my parents. We can tell them tomorrow night when we're on our way to Vegas-"

"V-Vegas?" I question nervously.

"Yeah. I'm so excited..............What's the matter?" Harry asks sympathetically when he notices the drop in my facial expression.

"Harry, I can't fly with you guys anymore," I mumble, "I'm stuck in London now until we have the baby."

"You mean until you have the baby," Harry corrects.

"Whatever. My point is, where am I gonna stay?" I ask.

"Stay at the house."

"I don't wanna stay alone. You know how many screwed up things have happened to me and you want me to stay home ALONE?!?"

Trapped 4: You've Changed My Life *Sequel To Trapped 3: Together Forever*Where stories live. Discover now