Chapter 22-Unwelcome.....

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I wake up to see a shirtless Harry sleeping beside me, snoring. I sit up in bed to realize that it's oddly quiet out. I slowly hop out of bed, not wanting to disturb Harry, and peer out into the hallway just to see what exactly is going on out there. I see a black hooded figure and another person but I can't tell who. This isn't good........

"Where is she?!?!" The hooded figure person demands to know. It sounds like a girl but I'm not entirely sure.

"She's not here," Zayn answers. Zayn what the hell do you think you're doing?!?!?

"Bullshit! Eleanor's here, so where's the girl I want?!?"

Zayn realizes I'm watching and gives me a look to hide. The figure notices Zayn's oddness and turns around, but fails to see me. I'd look to see a face but I'd get caught. After a few moments of being on edge about being caught, I decide that it must be safe to look now. I peer back around to see the figure basically threatening Zayn. I should wake someone, but they'll freak out and try to attack the person and probably end up getting hurt and I don't want that to happen.

"She's not here," Zayn says in a stern voice, trying to act tough.

"If I find out she is, you're gonna pay for lying to me," the figure motions with their finger chopping someone's head off.

"Get out!" Zayn demands.

"I know you're lying to me. I want her........bring her to me-"

"Why?" Zayn interrupts, "you only want her for sex."

"Exactly. You boys pick better girls than I do-"

"She has a boyfriend," Zayn snaps.

"Does she now? Tell him to break up with her or else he's gonna pay as well. I want her to be mine and only mine-"

"You're making a huge mistake choosing her......." Zayn pauses, "she's annoying, stubborn, boring. Shall I go on?"

Excuse me?!?! You're in love with me and yet you're insulting me. What kind of logic do people use anymore?!? Are you people drinking stupid juice or something? When Zayn flashes a smirk in my direction, I realize that he was only saying those things to try to make the figure no longer want me. And I thought going on tour would stop all of the evil mastermind trying to kill me problems. But NOOO, they decide to come with us instead.......

The figure turns around to look for me one last time, I see a face......


Just as the figure steps a bit closer, my mouth is suddenly covered and I'm pulled away. I try screaming but my mouth is covered. I'm pushed into a closet when I realize it's Harry. I push his hands off of my mouth and he immediately confronts me.

"What are you doing?!?" I ask.

"Saving your ass-"

"How do you know about Creepy McCreepers out there?" I ask as I point to the direction where Annabelle is standing.

Or at least I thought it was Annabelle........

"It's a long story....." Harry mumbles, "Zayn knows it better."

"Why does she want me?" I ask, scared.

"She just doesn't like you," he mumbles as he shakes his head.

"I'm gonna kill someone if I don't start getting some answers around here," I threaten.

"She wants revenge-"

"How the hell did she get out of jail?!?!" I yell.

Harry gives me a look of guilt and I groan and do a face palm when I realize that this is all their fault.

"You guys screwed up big time!" I shout.

"She tricked Zayn into bailing her out-"

"I outta-"

"You're not gonna do anything!" Harry argues.

"Then you do something!" I yell.

"We're trying!!!"

"Well try harder!" I snap as I turn so my back is facing Harry.

"What now?" Harry asks with a hint of annoyance in his voice.

"She told Zayn to tell you to break up with me or else she's gonna make you pay too," I whimper, becoming scared.

"Well I don't care because I'm not gonna do it. We're a team and teams stick together no matter what. I'm not leaving your side, Liz. And that's a promise that I'm not gonna break," Harry states.

"I love you," I whisper as I give him a hug.

"I love you too," he replies as he kisses the top of my head, "we're gonna be OK. We'll get through this. Don't you worry."

Trapped 4: You've Changed My Life *Sequel To Trapped 3: Together Forever*Where stories live. Discover now