Chapter 40-Liar?

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As I begin to take my first few steps from the bathroom to the lounge, I hear a sudden banging on the door. I jump back in fright and then look for a safe place to hide. When I realize that it's a bus and you only have about one place where you can hide, I groan in frustration. I stalk up to the window to get a better look at who's outside when I'm shocked to see Harry banging on the door. Is he trying to give me a heart attack and scare the crap out of me? If so, it worked. I quickly dart to the door and open it to see Harry clutching his very red hand. I pull him inside and lock the door behind him. He takes a seat on the couch so I run into the kitchen, grab a plastic bag, some ice, a towel, and then wrap the bag filled with ice in the towel and hand the towel over to Harry so he can place it on his hand.

"What happened?" I ask as I notice that Harry appears to have had a bloody nose earlier.

"I'm a klutz. I, uh, tripped and fell in the parking lot. I didn't see the speed bump," he mutters.

"Why do I not believe you for some reason?" I question, "Harry you got blood all over your tux-"

"It's wine. I swear-"

"Well this wine looks an awful lot like-"

"It's wine. I swear," Harry repeats himself.

"Harry did you get in a fight or something?" I ask.

When I finish my question, Harry's hesitant to answer. He looks down at the ground, and then when he looks up his eyes look glassy. I cover my mouth in shock, surprised that Harry would act like this.

"H-Harry," I stutter, heartbroken because I don't like to see him fight.

"I got kicked out of a bar for "starting" a bar fight. In my defense it was the other guy who started it."

"Who was the other guy?"

"....................................Zayn........." Harry mumbles after a long moment of silence.

"What were you guys fighting about?!?"

"He was mad for nearly cheating on you with Lola. He's like "well if I was her boyfriend, which I was supposed to be, I would never go out drinking. I would do whatever she's doing blah blah blah and a whole bunch of other crap that I don't remember because I was drunk," he mumbles.

"You're kidding me, right?"

"Why do you sound so surprised over this?"

"Because I never pictured guys ever fighting over me," I whisper, "so is your red hand from the bar fight too?"

"No. I was banging on the bus door because I left my keys on here."

"Wait, when did you guys go to a bar?"

"Right after the movie premiere. Paul treated us by taking us out for a few drinks. Let's just say we probably won't ever go out drinking again now. We all got yelled at."

"Well I'm not surprised," I humph.

I cross my arms and begin to head to my room in dismay when Harry suddenly pulls me in for a kiss. I push him away, feeling tears form in my eyes once again.

"What's the matter?" He asks as he follows me to my room.

"I just don't like seeing you act like that Harry," I manage to eventually say.

"I'm sorry. But he started it-"

"I don't wanna hear it! He's your best friend. You should know better-"

"He WAS my best friend. There's a difference Liz," Harry states.

"Whatever......" I mumble and sit down on my bed.

I pull Dylan onto my lap and kiss the top of his head. He pulls my finger that my ring's on in an attempt to pull the ring off so he can play with it. Harry walks in and just stands in the doorway, unsure of what to do or say. I figure now's the best time to tell him because we're alone and everything seems to be going right for once.

"You're not leaving are you?" Harry asks.

"I wasn't planning on it. Especially now."

"What are you talking about?"

I stand up and make my way up to the bathroom and grab the pregnancy test. I hand the test over to him and his face immediately turns angry. This wasn't the reaction I planned for him to have.

"Liz if this is a joke this isn't funny," Harry growls.

"I'm not joking!" I yell.

"The test said negative and now it just suddenly happens to turn positive without sex?"

"That's because.....Harry why don't you believe me?!?"

"Because it feels like you're playing a sick joke on me to make me believe that you're having a child because you feel bad that you're not pregnant and I'm upset about it. It's best to fess up and say you're lying then to continue pretending-"

"I'm not pretending!!! Do you want me to take another test to prove it to you?" I snap.

"Fine. But when it shows up negative I'm going to be very angry with you," Harry states as he pushes me into the bathroom.

"Harry why would I ever do such a-"

"Just shut up and take the damn test already," he commands.

I just don't understand why he doesn't believe me........

I grab a test and then do my business. Instead of coming out and facing Harry while I await the test results, I decide to just stay in the bathroom and wait the test out. When the test is finished, I pick up the stick and gasp, feeling tears form in my eyes. It's true........

I walk out of the bathroom to see Harry looking down, glaring at me. I hand him the test and his face instantly softens. He gives me a hug and I can hear him softly sobbing.

"I'm sorry Liz........." Harry murmurs.

"I love you Harry."

"I love you too Liz........."

Trapped 4: You've Changed My Life *Sequel To Trapped 3: Together Forever*Where stories live. Discover now