Chapter 33-Tough Decisions

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"Thanks for such an amazing night," I whisper as Harry and I walk hand in hand back to the bus.

"Welcome Mr. Styles," I assume a security guard greets as he opens the door allowing us to go inside.

As we file into the bus, we see Niall and Zayn watching TV, and Eleanor feeding Casey in the kitchen.

"Um, where are Liam and Louis?" I ask when I notice their absence.

"Back in one of the bedrooms I assume," Zayn guesses as he points to the hallway where all the bedrooms are located.

I peer into Louis' room first only to find it to be empty. I try Liam, Niall, Zayn, and Harry's room. empty. Where the hell are they?!?

I step into my room to see them on the bed playing with Dylan. Suddenly feel a rage of jealousy come over, I kick the boys out and snatch Dylan from Louis' arm.

"What the fuck is your problem?!?" Louis snaps.

"I'm sorry. I.....I don't know what came over me," I stutter, suddenly feeling guilty for my rude and selfish actions.

"Hey are you feeling OK?" Liam asks.

"I'm fine," I sigh as I cover my mouth when I yawn, "I'm just really tired and would like to get some sleep."

"Oh, well, goodnight," Liam mumbles as he gently closes my door.

I stand up and approach my mirror, examining my appearance. I gently pull of my wig, revealing my bright red hair. I suddenly become guilty, regretting ever making the stupid decision of dying my hair. I turn sideways in the mirror and tug up my shirt, seeing if I have a baby bump yet. I look down to see no bump yet, if I'm even pregnant.

Ever since I came on tour with Harry I've mad so many stupid mistakes, one of them being coming on tour with Harry. I still wished that I had stayed home......

"Niall?" I call as I open up my bedroom door.

"Yeah?" He replies as he walks through my door.

"Come in here," I instruct gently.

"So how'd your night with Harry go?" He asks as he sits on my bed next to Dylan.

"If you wake him up I'm gonna slap you so hard because it's not easy to put him down," I threaten as I point to Dylan.

"So how'd your date with Harry go?" Niall repeats himself.

"It went fine. He had his eyes on me the whole time," I smile.

"Probably only because he was with you," Niall mutters.

"What was that?" I ask as I put my wig away.

"Nothing. I-I didn't say anything."

"Oh, I thought you did."

I walk into my closet and shut the door behind me so I can change into my pajamas. When I'm finished I walk out getting a jaw dropping look from Niall. I give him a strange yet creeped out look, surprised that he thinks that I look good in pajamas. I lie down on my bed next to Niall when he wraps his arm around my shoulder, pulling me close to him. I think Niall and I are much better as sibling-like friends rather than a couple. Niall gives me a soft kiss on the top of my head, making me feel protected and cared for.

"I love you Niall," I whisper.

"I love you too Liz."

When I feel my stomach begin turning, I suddenly sit up, covering my mouth with my hand.

"Are you alright?" Niall asks, sitting up as well.

"Y-yeah. I'm f-fine," I stutter unsurely.

"You were like this this morning. What's going on?" Niall asks.

"I just caught a bug. That's all," I lie. I hate lying so much. But it's the only way I can get people to shut up is by lying.

"Some bug........Are you sure you're OK?"

"I'm fine!!" I yell as I feel a tear run down my face. Shit. Now he knows I'm lying.

I sit up and begin to head off to the bathroom when suddenly Niall jumps in my way, blocking my way. As I try to go around him to open the door, he grabs my hand, letting me know that he's not going anywhere until I spill what I'm hiding.

"Please Niall move. I'm gonna be sick," I beg as I clutch my stomach.

"Not until you tell me what's going on," he states, holding his ground.

"Please......." I beg, "please move Niall."

He groans and then eventually steps out of the way, revealing the door. I quickly grab the doorknob, open the door, and run to the toilet and puke my guts out. As I'm in the middle of puking, I suddenly feel his fingers gently pull a strand of hair out of my face so I don't get vomit in it.

"You don't wanna stay in here. It's not pretty," I groan as I try to settle my stomach.

"I just hate seeing you like this. You got sick this morning. I just wanna know why."

"I told you that I caught a bug-"

"And I can tell right now that you're lying. Liz, please tell me. I moved so you can puke so it's only fair if you tell me what's going on with you."

After moments of contemplating of whether or not Niall's truly trustworthy of keeping my secret, I decide that he deserves to know.

"You promise not to tell anyone?" I ask.

"Promise," Niall nods.

"I......I think I might be pregnant again......." I sigh, holding back tears.

"Really? Does Harry know?" Niall asks, almost surprised and seeming a little bit thrilled.

"No," I mumble.

"Who else knows?"

"You and Eleanor. And of course me," I reply.

"Why haven't you told Harry?"

"Because I'm afraid of how he's gonna react," I admit.

"Liz, the boy's in love with you. He's devoted and obsessed with you. Nothing you could ever do could piss him off. I'm sure he's gonna be thrilled-"

"You know I expected him to act a certain way too when I dyed my hair. I expected him to want me more, but instead he told me he hated it so much," I blurt.

"Liz he loves you, and I'm sure if there's a little baby in there I'm sure he's gonna love him/her just as much. He's gonna love them just as much as he loves Dylan and Dylan's not even his son! He's Louis' son."

"So you think I should tell Harry?" I ask.

"Of course. He's the father. He deserves to know," Niall answers softly.

I sigh, unhappy with Niall's answer. I really don't want to tell him. I'm so afraid to. I bet Harry will be even more mad if someone else tells him instead of me.

God what am I gonna do?!?

I just hope that I'm not pregnant........

Trapped 4: You've Changed My Life *Sequel To Trapped 3: Together Forever*Where stories live. Discover now