Chapter 5-Now What?

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As soon as I hear the news that Harry's gone to London to surprise me, I decide that I have to Skype with Harry as to what to do next, considering that the two of us are in two different countries. I ask to borrow someone's laptop and Louis gladly gives me his. I thank him and then log into Skype. I click on Harry's name and he immediately accepts my video request.

"Hey," Harry greets.

"Harry..........what were you thinking?!?" I ask, unsure of where I should even begin with this conversation.

"I was thinking of surprising you."

"Well I thought that you weren't gonna go. So I thought that I would come see you instead."

"Well we see how well that worked out," Harry mumbles sarcastically.

"You're telling me......." I mumble, "so.....what are we gonna do?"

"Come back here," Harry tells me.

"Harry no, you can't!" Liam blurts, "I'm sorry to interrupt your conversation but did you forget that we have a show tomorrow?"

"I did......" he whispers.

"So then come here," Liam insists.

"We've got another problem......." I begin, "I bought a one way ticket here. I can't fly back to London. I can't afford it. I spent my entire life savings on the plane ticket to come see you."

"That's so sweet of you," Harry blushes.

"I love you Harry."

"I love you too Liz."

"You people are making me sick. If you need me I'm gonna go throw up from their disgustingness," Zayn snaps rudely.

"Well he's...........happy," I giggle sarcastically, "what am I supposed to do in the meantime while I wait for you to catch another flight out here?"

"Stay with us," Niall tells me as he wraps his arm around my shoulder pulling me closer to him.

"Thanks........but what about Eleanor and the kids?" I ask.

"Yeah, what about us?" Eleanor asks as she approaches Harry from behind.

"I was getting there......." Harry begins, probably just saying that so he doesn't get murdered for forgetting about her.

"I miss you......" I whimper.

"I miss you more than you could ever imagine....."

"How long will it take until you can come back here?" Liam asks.

"I'm looking that up now........fuck....." Harry mumbles.

"There are no flights out to Chicago are there?" I ask.

"Not for the next two weeks or so. Everything's booked," Harry replies.

"Wonderful....... So I don't get to see my boyfriend for a good two weeks or so......."

"Are there any flights from Chicago to London?" Louis asks, "and hi Eleanor! I love you!!"

"I love you too baby. Casey and I both miss you very much. And because Miss Lovey Dovey wanted to go surprise her boyfriend, she abandoned her son and left him for me to take care of him for her. Thank you for that by the way," Eleanor rambles grumpily.

"Dylan! I miss him so much....... I bet he's really happy that he got to see you," I tell Harry.

"He can't stop smiling," Harry chuckles as he holds Dylan up to the webcam.

"Hi buddy!!" I coo to Dylan, "mommy loves you and she misses you very much. I'll be home soon but in the meantime daddy will take care of you. Isn't that right Harry?"

"Sure....." Harry laughs, "there's one flight available for tonight. 23 tickets left."

I look at the boys sitting behind me watching the amazing Teen Beach Movie.

"Mack is SOO hot. I'd fuck her in an instant," Niall states as he practically drools over her.

Pig...... But, hey, that's typical of boys. I sneakily log onto the airline website that Harry's on and buy myself a ticket for tonight. I'm going to see Harry no matter what. Now how do I pay for the ticket? I glance beside me to notice Niall's wallet. I look over at the boys to see if anyone's watching me and when I see that they aren't, I quickly grab his wallet, pull out is VISA credit card, and place the wallet back on the table. Niall, if you're wondering where about $500 went, well, I'm doing this for love so he should understand. If he gets mad then he clearly doesn't see how much I love Harry and how much he means to me. I type in Niall's credit card information and then it says transaction complete so I slip the credit card back into his wallet and then go back to chatting with Harry.

"I'm back," I greet.

"I'm still here," he chuckles.

"I LOVE THIS PART!!" Liam yells.

"Would you guys mind keeping it down?!? Ooo I love this part too," I coo when I notice that it's the Crusin' For A Bruisin' music scene.

"I learned this dance. It's so fun," I tell them.

"You did not," Niall blurts, clearly not believing me.

I raise an eyebrow and then hop out of my chair. I turn the webcam so Harry can see everyone and then I tell the boys to step back so I can have space to dance. I grab a chair from the dining room and bring it into the living room to use for the dance. When the music starts playing, I start dancing. I glance up at the boys to see that all of their jaws are practically on the floor, even Harry's. I lightly laugh to myself and then continue dancing like a pro. When the dance ends, the boys just continue staring at me with their mouths wide open.

"You might wanna shut your mouth so the flies don't nest in there," I laugh as I head back into the dining room to put the chair away.

"What did you.......How did you........When did you-" Niall stutters.

"You gonna finish any of those sentences?" I smirk.

"How did you learn that?" Harry asks.

"I taught myself. That's how I used to learn dances when I was little until I started taking hip hop classes," I explain.

"I've never seen you dance before. You're really good," Harry smiles.


"How long did that take you to learn?" Liam asks.

"A day at the most."

"Holy shit," Niall mutters.

"What's the matter? Is someone jealous that they don't have any coordination?" I laugh.

"I'm going to bed," Niall grunts as he stomps away angrily.

I burst into laughter at the thought that I just showed him. Harry yawns and then I can tell by his appearance that he looks tired.

"You should go to bed," I tell him, "it's getting late and you look tired."

"Are you sure?" He asks.

"Yeah. You get some rest. I'll see you soon," I reply before I end the chat.

Little does he know that I'm actually serious about what I said.........

Trapped 4: You've Changed My Life *Sequel To Trapped 3: Together Forever*Where stories live. Discover now