Chapter 3-Tonight I'm Getting Over You

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I wake up the next morning to the sound of Dylan crying. I groan, roll out of bed, and walk over to his crib to rock him back to sleep.

"Shhh," I hush, "it's alright Dylan. Don't cry."

"WAAAA!!!" Dylan cries.

"Ugh," I groan.

And then I think of the only way that I've found puts him to sleep. I put Dylan back in his crib and begin singing.

"I know you never loved the sound of your voice on tape, you never want to know how much you weigh, you still have to squeeze into your jeans, but, you're perfect to me. I won't let these little things slip, out, of my mouth, but if it's true, it's you, it's you, they add up to, I'm in lovvee with you, and all these little things. You'll never love yourself half as much as I love you, and you'll never treat yourself right, darling, but I want ya to, if I let you knooww I'm here, for you, maybe you'll loovvee yourself, like I, love you," I sing softly.

Once I've finished singing, Dylan seems to go back to sleep in an instant. I kiss his temple and then slowly walk out, gently closing the door behind me to let Dylan sleep in peace. I walk downstairs to see that Eleanor brought home Starbucks, of course. I pick up the coffee and drink it as I proceed to the computer. I log onto Skype only to see that Harry's also on. I click his name and then it asks me if I would like to request a video chat. Remembering what Eleanor said last night, I shut my computer and lay it beside me on the couch.

"Hey. You're up," Eleanor greets as she dries her hair with a towel. Obviously she just got out of the shower.

"Yeah," I reply as I take a sip of the coffee.

"I see you got your coffee that I bought for the two of us."

"Oh, yeah. Thanks for that by the way."

"No problem. So you talk to Harry lately?" She asks.

"No. Why?"

"Just curious," Eleanor shrugs.

"Do you think Harry and I are gonna last?" I ask.

"Why not you stop asking for other people's opinions and just judge your relationship for yourself. I'm not cupid," Eleanor snaps.

"I'm sorry for asking then....." I mumble.

*Harry's POV*

What the hell? Liz just came on Skype and then as soon as I requested a video chat she logged off. Fine, be a bitch then.

"Hey man, you coming?" Liam asks.

"Oh yeah, I forgot the rehearsal for tonight."

"Are you booking a plane ticket?"

"Yeah. I wanna see Liz."

"You wanna see her or she's making you come home so she can see you?" Liam asks as he raises an eyebrow, "I think she's trying to control you to guarantee you don't cheat. She's making you miss out on tonight. The night we go out partying and drinking."

"We can go drinking some other night-"

"No! We are not delaying our night of drinking just so you can go home to see Liz," Liam yells, "you are not missing out on tonight. Make her wait to see you. If she truly loves you she'll be willing to wait."

"Let me just call her and tell he-"

"No. Just don't show up. She doesn't control you. I don't care if you love her. Your job comes first! If you try to fly out to see her you're gonna ruin this band. And there won't be anyone else to blame but yourself."

Liam just glares at me for what seems like forever and then storms off. They don't control me. No one does. I wanna ruin this band? Fine, I guess I will then if you guys are gonna treat me like crap.

"Hey Harry. I heard what happened," Louis says as he joins me on the bus.

"Yeah," I mutter.

"You alright?"

"Let's just put it this way: my heart feels like shit right now."

"You'll get through it. Just put Liz to the side and just focus on the band right now. We can't go on without you. Just forget about Liz. This tour is about you, not her-"

"Forgetting about Liz is better said then done," I shrug.

"After we're done partying, I'm sure you'll be like "Liz who?"."

"Forgetting about her for a while would be nice," I sigh.

"That's my buddy. Now come on in so we can rehearse," Louis says as he pats my back and walks off the bus, waiting for me.

*Liz's POV*

"Just forget about Harry," Eleanor states.

"It's easier said than done," I sigh.

"Then stop being so controlling. Let him go out and have a little fun. We should do the same."

"What about the kids?" I ask.

"Hello? Have you never heard of the word babysitter before?"

"Oh," I mumble.

"Now, go put on something sexy and we'll go to the mall," she tells me as she takes off her robe revealing a low cut lacy top and some short shorts, "you gotta learn to stop being so stuck up and instead learn to let loose and have fun. You're only young and live once."

She's right.....again. I need to just go out and forget about Harry.......

*Harry's POV*

"Liz who?" I playfully ask.

"See there you go! Now you're getting it," everyone cheers.

Trapped 4: You've Changed My Life *Sequel To Trapped 3: Together Forever*Where stories live. Discover now