Chapter 24-Please Let Me Go

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After countless attempts of trying to scream and break free, I give up, completely out of energy. I kick my sweaty sneakers off and then realize that I can slip my legs free so I do so. I push my back up against the wall and try to slide up the wall in an attempt to get to my feet. I hit my head on some hangers but still manage to stay up. I walk over to the doors of the closet and kick them open, being greeted by bright sunlight. Well now I know the rain stopped considering I was just nearly blinded to death. I look around the room for something to cut the ropes on my arms when I gasp in shock, feeling tears form in my eyes.

"Oh my god," I manage to say with the tape on my mouth.

I feel the tape begin to peel of my face so I place my face on the bed to try to get the tape to stick to the comforter instead. I yelp in pain when the tape is ripped from my skin, leaving a bright red mark where the tape was placed. I walk over to the closet where a body lies. I get a better look at it when I realize that's not the only piece of evidence in the closet. Masks.......

Loads of them.......

How did I not notice these the last time I was here?!?!

"What do you think you're doing?!?" Nathan shouts when he notices that I'm practically free.

"'re the mask maker," I glare.

"Well someone found another missing piece to the puzzle that you still have failed to put together," he lightly chuckles to himself.

"Why did you kill her?" I ask.

"I needed information. Annabelle was the only "spy" that knew what you were up to so I tricked her pretending that I wanted her so she'd tell me what I wanted to know. When she told me everything that she knew.....I killed her so she wouldn't tell anyone that she was helping me," he explains.

"You cruel, heartless maniac," I mutter.

"And that's only the beginning," he smirks.

"The boys are gonna know I'm missing and they're gonna come looking for me-"

"Think again! I've been planning this for months my tracks are gonna be covered so it's gonna seem like you ran out on them for safety," he grins evilly.

"Why would you do such a thing?"

"Because I want you! Because I'm in love with you," he whispers as he steps closer to me and places his hands on my ass," I'm attracted to you-"

"Get your filthy hands off of me!" I yell as I push him away.

Nathan grabs me by my waist and throws me over to the bed. I flop down face first and crawl to the head of the bed. Nathan slowly stalks over to me when suddenly a girl that I don't recognize bursts through the door.

"Sir! The boys are here in search of Liz," the lady interrupts.

I'm saved!!!! I hope.....

"Dammit......" Nathan mutters under his breath, "stay here Rachel make sure she doesn't go anywhere."

"Rachel?" I gasp, "why are you here?"

"He told me that he kidnapped Annabelle and he said that if I ever wanted to see him again I'd have to come with him and be his slave forever," she explains, "when I agreed, he brought me here and when I found her I realized that I was too late and that he tricked me."

"So then leave him! And while you're at it bring me with you," I tell her as I lightly giggle.

"You're not as bad as I pictured you to be," she smiles.

"I'll take that as a compliment," I laugh.

*Nathan's POV*


Apparently my plan that I thought was rock solid fell through apparently since the boys found her.......but I'm not telling them that she's here. I walk down my marble steps and walk to the front door. I unlock the front door and open it, ending their constant ringing and knocking.

"Where is she?!?!?" Harry demands as he bursts into the house.

"Excuse me you were not invited in!" I snap.

"WHERE IS SHE?!?!" Harry yells.

"She's not here," I state, trying to remain as calm and normal as possible without wanting to kick these guys' asses.

"Why do I have a feeling you're lying?" Harry asks.

"I'm not lying. I haven't seen Liz all day. The last time I saw her was when you guys agreed to hand her over," I lie.

"Bullshit!" Niall shouts.

"She's not here," I repeat myself.

Suddenly, the boys all shove past me and take off in search of Liz.

"BACKUP!!!!" I yell.

"Should we take care of them?" Tom asks as him, Jay, and Siva appear by my side.

"No. I'll take care of them. You guys stay here in case they try to leave," I instruct as I take off up the stairs to end things for good.

Trapped 4: You've Changed My Life *Sequel To Trapped 3: Together Forever*Where stories live. Discover now