Chapter 9: A New Look

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Hay guys so before you start reading I'm just letting you know that I'm time skipping a bit xD it's a week later... Now on to the story!!!

Btw I couldn't get a picture of Aki up on wattpad but I did post it on photobucket!! My user name on there is something about Avatar the last airbender TT.TT I don't really remember... But I only posted one picture so there's that!! I swear I'll figure it out next time I have a laptop!

||P.O.V. Saya||

I woke up to an annoying alarm clock and the sun in my eyes.

Why didn't the sun have a light switch? I mean really?!

"Saya-chan are you awake yet?" dad called from what sounded like the kitchen.

"no" I called back and burryed myself deeper into my blanket.

"then I'd wake up if I was you" dad laughted and suddenly apeared in front of me. "your going to be late for your first day of school!"

Dad laughted again and pinched my cheek.

"hay!" I protested before swatting at his hand.

Pinching my cheeks... The nerve! I wasn't two years old!

"Naruto-Kun! Stop harassing out daughter and Saya-chan you my little cutie need to get up. Lee isn't one to go easy on new students." mom said from her normal spot in my doorway.

Dad chuckled and walked over to her. He wrapped his arms around her waist and planted a big wet kiss on her lips.

"EW" I cried, "come on guys keep it PG in front of your own daughter! Talk about gross!"

I made a point by covering my eyes drastically. Mom giggled and dad chuckled.

"my little Saya-channn" mom coo'd and I looked around my hand at her.

Mom laughed and once I was looking kissed dad in the most suggestive way ever.

"oh gowd!" I laughed and threw a pillow at them. "get out I need to change!"

They both laughed but left me alone.

Once my door clicked shut I hopped up and flung open my closet doors.

Today was going to be the first day of the rest of my live! I couldn't help the grin that spred from ear to ear. I was excited and nervous. The chance to train and get stronger made me what to jump for joy, but interacting with other students was giving me butterflys. I'd desided last night that I was going to be the quiet background kid. That way I didn't need to interact with anyone I wasn't forced to.

But then there was the matter of Aki-Baka.... He was defently going to bother me and my quick tougue was going to make it hard not to draw attention to myself. I didn't really remember much about our fight... Achally the last thing I recalled was being smashed into a wall. I probably hit my head wrong and passed out, but my gut told me something else had happened....

"no matter!" I clapped my hands together, tossing the thought to the side, and searched threw all cloths I owned.

I wanted a new look because as of today I'm a new person. I scanned threw all the cloths and disided I wanted to look badass.

I slipped out of my pj's and replanced them with a pair of long fishnets that covered my legs with a pair of black shorts ontop. I wrapped bandages around my left thigh and snapped on a pouch for my wepons.

I pulled on a dark green long sleave shirt that covered the top of my shorts. The shirt had a long top and it left my neck and shoulders exposed. The sleeves came down to just past my elbow.

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