Chapter 19 Dear You

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The water stained my skin, running down my back and every curve of my small body. I need to act normal and do my usual routine making my dad believe that I'm going to bed when I'm in fact preparing a sneak out to Harry again. This has been going on for the last three weeks. The war had calmed down in the areas around the capital but still vicious in many parts around the country. Mine and Harry's bond was so strong, after much feeding, and according to Serena it was pretty much complete. There were some left but soon we'd be just as tight as her and Zayn, but we did have a little left.

I just wanted to rush out of the shower and see Harry again but I knew I couldn't, my father would get suspicious and I couldn't let that happen. It felt ungrateful and cruel sneaking out and breaking his rules but it was too late now. The bond was too strong and so were my feelings for Harry. I'd established that a few days ago, I liked him. A lot. I've been trying to build up the courage to tell him but I can't seem to manage. I'm afraid, maybe not about him not liking me back, just that I've never felt this way for anyone before. I've never craved someone like this before. And I still remember how the bond works.

It affects your feelings not your actions.

That must mean he feels something for me. He's kissed me countless times and it never gets old. And lately he's been clingy and cuddly so I'm just hoping for the best. There's nothing else I can do really, except tell him which scares me to death.

I stepped out of the shower, drying off and putting new clothes on. Then I padded out opening my bedroom door slightly.

"Good night father." I called down the stairs.

"Good night dear." He answered before I closed my door. Now I have to wait about half an hour and he'll go to bed, then Harry will come and meet me at the outskirts of this neighborhood. It's been like this for ages and the lack of sleep is killing me. But today was different, I could not wait to see him so I just threw my window open, carefully climbing down using the drain pipe as a ladder. It was risky leaving early but I just needed to see Harry right now. I started walking down the dark streets alone. Everyone seemed to be going to bed at the same time here. Every house was dark and the streets were empty yet it wasn't even late. As the houses got fewer and further apart I reached the dead end of this road, where trees blocked the cut asphalt. Harry was not here since I was about half an hour early but eager as I was I did not care and continued out alone in the woods. After the massacre of vampires, it felt safer for a human to be out here but still this area was known for brutal murders.

My heart quickened as I heard a branch break behind me. I walked faster and couldn't help but look back with every other step. Someone's eyes were on me and I knew it. A snap of another branch stopped me and I looked back. There was no one there yet there was. Just as I was about to turn around and continue my journey, something hard collided with my body, knocking me off of my feet. A body rested on mine as I recovered and took in the face before me.

"Liam!?" I cried out of relief.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry Saoirse!" He was quick to get off me and help me back up on my feet. "Ever since the massacre us 'local' vampires have been trying to keep people out of these woods, sorry about that." He explained. I hadn't seen him in a while and it was nice to see a familiar face again.

"Speaking of which, what the hell are you doing out here alone?"

"I'm on my way to Harry. He usually meets me and follows me through here but I left early so he doesn't know I'm here." Liam put a warm arm around, walking with me.

"Well, I'm not letting you walk out here without him." He smiled down at me. Liam had always been nice to me and I really appreciated it. Zayn was a bit mysterious and I did not know that much about him but I got along well with Serena. I considered her my friend.

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