Chapter 23 What Awaits

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Have you ever felt really lonely? Like the only person you have is you. There are other people, other people everywhere but it's still only you. When sadness isn't an option because all you feel is emptiness.

The feelings. It wasn't the bond. If it was, I wouldn't be sad that he did this. He kissed her, like he kissed me. His mouth was on hers like it was on mine. He touched her, he pleased her. With every minute of pain I had her pleasure increased. And all because of him. I thought that he'd be worried about me and that he'd felt something similar. No, polar opposites.

And now I'm here alone. If I didn't have anything to live for before, I certainly don't have anything now. Except my father. He is all that matters. Harry wasn't joking when he said she was a hateful person. He said he cared about me, had feelings for me, he'd kissed me, he was my first kiss, he'd caressed my skin like silk. I felt nauseous after knowing the truth about yesterday.

Where had she come from? She frightened me. I knew she was older than him, making her more powerful than him. I remember him telling me. She could do anything with me. Trying to kill me twice but failing, I didn't exactly feel safe.

It was so stupid and I knew it. I should've never gone with him. I didn't know anything about vampires and my curiosity took over. But now Harry and I aren't as dependant on each other as we once were. Back to square one.

The emptiness in me told me to never forgive him. I trusted him, I felt something for him. And he blew it.


"What the fuck have you done?!" As soon as the door closed behind us, I slapped her so hard and unexpectedly her body flew to the ground. A yelp escaped her mouth as her body collided with the hard concrete. Never had I ever hit her before. I did not hit women but she is no woman. She is a monster.

"Harry what are you doing?" She cried, holding her face. Her dress had ripped from the fall and she tried covering herself.

"You've ruined everything! I love that girl and you knew that! You couldn't control your jealousy, you whore!" The words flew out of my mouth as loud as they would go.

"You don't love that girl! If you did you wouldn't have been in bed with me twice in 24 hours! I'm the one you want and you are mine!" She was now back on her feet, yelling back at me. Never had she been one to lay on the ground taking punches.

"Saoirse is mine, and you are never to touch her or cast a spell on her again because if you do I will cut up your heart in tiny pieces and then remove them from your body one by one, only leaving one piece left so that your torture will be never ending." I spit in her face but she didn't seem affected by it.

"And how are you supposed to manage that. I'm more powerful than you. I can do anything I want." Considering I'd just slapped her to the ground she was acting awfully cocky and confident.

"You already have a thousand enemies and I wouldn't add another one to the list if I were you." She snickered at my words, starting to walk along the road back to the forest.

"It's not like it would make a difference. You know as well as me that in the end they come falling at my feet." Her confidence wouldn't budge and she certainly wasn't giving up her position as head female vampire. "Even you Harry." She gave me one last look before quickly disappearing. She left me stunned and angry.

At this point I knew I couldn't go back to Saoirse. Not right now, she was too upset. But I would make this up to her, even if it took me a lifetime. But Zanita had this magical trance about her and it would always work on me. She had a sexual appeal that would shock every being. Just as it shocks people that she does whatever she wants but she gets away with it. I gave her exactly what she wanted and now she's left me here in this mess.

Was it even worth it? Was it worth breaking a bond for her affection? It felt like it then but now nothing feels more wrong.

I started to slowly walking back to my lonely home, debating on burning that desk and my bed and every single item she's touched in that house. But I knew I wouldn't be able to. I'm not even sure how I physically assaulted her. And surely it would come back and bite me, and I knew it.

When walking through the front door of my own home felt strange. It was so lonely, no fucking company and alone again. I dragged myself upstairs and entered my room. As if the desk by the window was burning, I couldn't take my eyes off of it. It was as if I was watching the scene from last night play in front of me.

"You make me feel so good...."

Her seductive eyes, her beautiful figure, her soft moans, her soft skin, her full lips. The memory felt good, but the image in my head was better. Her nails digging into my back, her pleas for me and only me.

The difference was in the memory there was a red headed girl on the desk. In my head it was the girl with the thick brown locks.

And she was mine. Soon it won't only be a scenery in my head but one in real life. I will properly mark her as mine, for everyone else to see. And her father would not be standing in the way. The bond was making me soft, taking my vampire instincts away from me. She's mine. The skin on my body tingled with the thought of having her begging beneath me.

The sound of rain shattering against my window snapped me out of my filthy possessive thoughts and back to reality. The reality of that she would no longer let herself get in that position, she would no longer trust me. In anger I ripped the sheets of my bed, throwing them in the fire place. The white fabrics were burning only a second later and new ones were placed in their old spot.

The thought of lust and intimacy did no longer bring images of Zanita in my head. The memories were replaced with 'what if' and another girl. One that I could do whatever I wanted with, teach her every trick in the book. I could do this even without the bond, just like I could get her to come with me without a bond. All it takes is curiosity and I know she has it in her. Maybe it won't have to be her feelings pulling her in, but curiosity.

Showing her what real pleasure is, no bond is needed. It will get the best of her as always. All those questions, no self control. This would be a lot easier than I thought. The poor girl does not know what awaits her. But I do.

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