Chapter 31 Right Now

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"How're you feeling?" Liam asked, handing me a glass of cold water. Yesterday was almost a blurr. Zanita was back and I would no longer be able to see Harry. It was almost for the best. I felt so foolish to get involved in all of this and it always comes back to haunt me and living with Liam is hardly going to help me.

"Tired." I muttered, sipping on the water. I just wanted to disappear and not deal with this. Zanita got her way for all I know they could be having their way right now.

"Don't think about it." Liam offered me a sympathetic smile as if he could read my thoughts. I didn't want to think about it yet it was the only thing on my mind. There was too much to worry about, too many issues and problems.

"It's hard not to, everything that's happened string together. The war makes me think about him, so does my family, you, everything" I sighed, rubbing my temples and lying back down.

"It's the bond." He stated what I already knew.

"I know, now I see why you didn't want Harry and I to just jump into blood sharing. The consequences weren't clear in my head." My dumb decisions then were punishing me now. "Everything I did was impulsive and not properly thought through."

"Yes, but you were desperate. You thought you'd lost all of your family and needed somewhere to stay. You needed help and you were desperate to get it, anyone would have done what they needed to do to stay alive." His understanding words relaxed me more, easing on the anger I felt towards myself.

"You can't blame yourself for not knowing about Zanita returning because other than her you and Harry have been fine. Don't stress about it." Liam took my hand in his and smiled at me. I actually returned it this time.

"It feels so in between everything, this." I gestured everywhere around us. "Like this isn't the end of me seeing Harry and this isn't the end of Zanita."

"It isn't." He was quick to reply. "You and Harry have bonded and that bond will not end until one of you dies. I'm going to be honest with you Saoirse, the vampire is never first to go."

The frustration of my position was constantly tugging at my mind. Of course the vampire wasn't the one to break the bond. The situation was spiralling out of our control and into Zanita's.

"But if a bond that is wanted is in threat, the human is usually turned before any further damage is made. Turning is almost inevitable." He gave me a pained look. Turning was so horrible for him, I couldn't help but wonder how I would turn.

"Don't worry Saoirse, I'll do anything in my power to stop you from turning."

"I don't want to turn, I want to live a normal human life but I guess that's out of the door now. The bond is going to be there forever now. There is no way of breaking it unless my life ends because let's face it, Zanita would never kill Harry."

"The last thing you want to do is underestimate Zanita and I really would not put it past her. If she's in a really bad mood she'd have him turn you then kill him to leave you suffer." Liam knew Zanita better than me and was scaring me terribly with all these psychotic ideas that could be flying around in her twisted head. "But nothing is certain."

"I should've never got involved in all of this." I muttered again, crawling under the covers. Liam chuckled slightly at my childish behaviour.

"I'll help you out of this, I promise." He told me. I peeked out from the comforter and sat back up. How did we get here? How can everything just go from perfect to a nightmare in a couple of hours? And if Liam hadn't stumbled upon me in the woods I don't know where I'd be. Magic was more of a curse to me than anything else. And I would continuesly get lost in my thoughts these days. There was too much to think about and analyse. Half of my thoughts didn't even make sense anymore.

"You're beautiful." My head snapped to Liam who was awkwardly clearing his throat, looking away from me. In the dark lit room I could see his cheeks turning ever so pink. "You really don't deserve all of this." He continued though he obviously just felt embarrassed.

"I'll be okay." This time it was me taking his hand in mine. "It may not feel like it, but I will." Liam's brown eyes had a softer, kinder look. You didn't feel as trapped under his gaze as you did with Harry. I wondered what was going through Liam's mind, did he mean what he'd said? My eyes fell to his lips but I quickly lifted my stare hoping that he hadn't noticed. Instead I found him doing the same. It didn't surprise me considering I was able to feel the bond weakening yet trying to stay above the surface and remind me of Harry.

"I'm sorry." I whispered to him, turning my face the other way. Our faces were so close, I could feel his breath on my cheek. Guilt grew on the pit of my stomach not wanting Liam to think I was leading him on.

"Don't be." He whispered back, pressing his lips gently to my cheek. I looked down at our intertwined fingers. Never in a million years would I have seen myself here, with him.

It seemed as if vampires never got what they wanted. This war was going the wrong way, Harry cannot get rid of Zanita, Zayn can't seem to get Serena, Liam was left by his wife, Zanita clearly can't seem to find any sort of love or peace. They all seemed so unhappy. I feel that way right now but I don't want to end up like them. I don't want to be a creature from bedtime stories, I don't want to be able to live forever, I don't want what they have. I've felt unhappy for too long.

"I feel done with all of this." My voice was a pathetic whimper as I felt the all too familiar sting in my eyes.

"We all do. But we have to keep fighting and not look back, there's no time." My admiration for Liam had grown tremendously during my two days with him. No matter what he always kept his head held high. Hesitantly I looked up at him with glazed eyes. I reached out cupping his face in my hand. The air was tense yet relaxed in an odd sort of way. I didn't feel nervous or so around Liam. He felt more human in a twisted way. His hands were now softly resting on my waist. I wasn't quite sure of what I wanted to do but I wanted to distract myself, from everything.

"Is it okay if I...?" The questioned trailed off as he leaned in pressing his lips to mine. Most of me had expected the kiss to be slow and simple but as soon as our lips connected it turned feverish, almost struggling to keep up with our bodies. My arms now around his neck and his keeping me close to his chest. My actions hardly even shocked me these days considering everything I did was impulsive. But this felt like more planned out than impulsive, it felt right in the most wrong way possible. But it felt right because it was distracting me. Nothing was on my mind except for my burning lips.

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